Can dermopigmentation be reversed?
A ton of people come to me looking into getting rid of old procedures. A type of interest that, unfortunately, has grown significantly.
The reasons are countless… from designs that do not match the client's face to obsolete techniques, coloration changes, and even ink displacement due to poorly performed procedures; it's a staggeringly long list of dissatisfactions.
The good news is that the field of Dermopigmentation has evolved a lot. New techniques, machines, and products are developed daily to assist those who are dissatisfied, simultaneously yielding increasingly better results for new procedures.
It is true that to date July 07th, 2020, there is no guarantee of complete pigment removal, as we do not yet have a 100% effective way to reverse dermopigmentation. Still, it is already possible to achieve good results with some techniques.
It's worth noting that, most of the existing options, in a nutshell, induce a controlled inflammatory process in the area, stimulating the action of macrophages, that is, a large phagocytic cell found in stationary form in the tissues or as a mobile white blood cell, especially at sites of infection. Macrophages can ingest and destroy bacteria and damaged cells, as well as pigment particles.
The dermopigmentation removal procedures currently available are called:
- Saline removal
Water and salt are combined, forming a saline solution that is introduced into the skin with the dermograph, the machine used for dermopigmentation, similar to an electric pen.
The goal is to damage the skin with the needle of the equipment and the solution, causing local dryness. Consequently, when regenerated, the skin will expel the pigment in scab form.
This method is considered rudimentary, resulting in a less significant fading when compared to other techniques. Moreover, it increases the chances of hyperpigmentation and the emergence of keloid.
- Acid-based removal
When applying acids, we use one or more types of chemical agents. The goal is to promote cell renewal through peeling, gradually removing the pigment from the skin.
This technique is only suitable for more current micropigmentation procedures.
In the case of very old procedures, or those that have undergone a lot of touch-ups, presenting a high density of ink, fading may not be as satisfactory.
- Plasma jet / electrocautery
The objective of both types of equipment is to cause a controlled burn, inducing an inflammatory process, which will trigger defense cells to heal the skin, increasing the presence of macrophage cells that will help decrease the pigment in the area.
Through this method, it is possible to achieve significant fading. However, such a procedure should only be performed by an outstandingly skilled and careful professional as this equipment can easily cause irreversible damage to the skin.
- Dermabrasion
In this case, a specialist physician exfoliates the pigmented area to remove the outer and middle layers of the skin.
This process accelerates cell renewal, and the pigments deposited on the skin are entirely eliminated.
It is the most aggressive of the conventional methods, performed under anesthesia.
When successfully executed, it removes the most superficial layers of cells, and it can even reach the dermal plane.
- Surgical Removal
This method is the most complex and reserved for specific cases. It consists of literally removing the pigmented skin. The chances of scaring in the area are higher.
The procedure can only be done by an experienced doctor.
- Laser removal
The laser fragments the pigment into tiny particles that are later eliminated by macrophages. "The procedure is not painless, but it can be tolerated."
The most commonly used types of laser are the Q-Switched Nd-YAG and the Alexandrite. The laser selection will depend on the shade of the ink to be removed. For reddish colors and warm tones, Nd-YAG is the most recommended, while for darker pigments of very cold tones, Alexandrite is more effective.
Regardless of the laser chosen (Nd-YAG or Alexandrite), it is interesting to look for a laser with Pico seconds technology. It will ensure you a fast result and greater safety regarding the integrity of the skin and hair.
Above , picture of Dermopigmentation performed after 5 laser removal sessions:
As previously mentioned, none of the options guarantees total removal. But all, without exception, can cause skin trauma, leaving visible scars. For this reason, it is crucial to emphasize that all the methods mentioned above must be performed by qualified and experienced professionals.
Twenty years of experience in cosmetology and thousands of dermopigmentations later, I consider laser removal the most effective and safer way to reverse dermopigmentation.
I work in partnership with renowned doctors in the USA and Brazil, leaving the removal procedures to them and, only after the final result, I perform a new dermopigmentation to harmonize and sometimes even camouflage small details that the laser could not completely erase.
When you decide to do a dermopigmentation, research, and evaluate very well the type of technique that will be used and the professional who will work on your skin. Ask for references, if possible, take the time to visit the site where the procedure will be done, and have all your questions answered.
Dermopigmentation removal is much more complex than you think.
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Priscila Iwama