Can creativity be taught?
Rodd Chant ????
Creative Director | Founder | Coach | LinkedIn Top Voice Since 2019 | Get in touch about projects via the button below. ?
This is something I am asked on many occasions, more times than this less than mathematical mind of mine can count. So what's the answer?
Yes, of course it can.
But...there's always a but, the extent to which any individual succeeds with their creative skills varies greatly.
Just because someone learns guitar does not mean they will be the next Jimi Hendrix, just as someone who learns how to paint may never reach the heights of Picasso.
Creativity is also very subjective, one person's doodle is another person's masterpiece.
We were all born creative, children have the most imaginative brains on the planet because they have a sense of wonder and curiosity, those cells still lurk somewhere deep within everyone's brain, it's just that some people kept using them from childhood and others pushed them to the back and focussed on other things or as is usually the case the schooling system did not encourage creativity enough.
Reigniting the creative part of your brain doesn't have to be for professional reasons, it can be purely for pleasure and hobbies, an outlet, some self-satisfaction, a break from the day-to-day.
For others it can offer up a shift in career, or a way to enhance and grow their existing career path.
We humans have some things that computers are yet to master and they include emotion, sensitivity, imagination, and curiosity. And until some mad scientist works out how to replicate all that we have the creative advantage over the machines.
So should more people tickle their creative DNA and put some life back into it? Absolutely. Why? Because of the benefits both professionally and personally.
Companies can benefit from bringing some creative thinking and ideation in-house. And no, I am not talking about brainstorming sessions, most of them are a complete waste of time. But having people who are continually thinking about new ideas and ways to do things differently could only ever benefit a business, it's hard to argue that it would not. As I have said time and time again in my creative career - anyone can have ideas, you don't need a business card that states you are creative. My Mum had some great ideas, but she never had a business card that said 'Creative'.
Individuals who want to explore what they are capable of can also gain a lot from rebooting their creative instincts even if only as mentioned for personal enjoyment. Writing 300 words a day will give you a book by the end of the year, who cares if only your friends and family read it, you at least did it. Painting on the weekends will eventually give you an art show, it doesn't matter if the show is only in your garage - put on a BBQ and invite friends over, show them what you've been up to. Creativity should be about the act and the pleasure first, don't worry about the fame or it for you. If fame and fortune greets your work that is an added bonus.
To be more creative or to reinvigorate your recessed creativity you need to go back to thinking like a child. Be open, be curious, be a daydreamer, be a scribbler, be a finger painter, be a doodler, be a productive maker of stuff, be someone not worried about how good it is, instead be someone who just wants to create for the most important audience you have - you.
I'll sign off with one of my favourite quotes about being creative.
“The creative adult is the child who survived after the world tried killing them, making them grown up. The creative adult is the child who survived the blandness of schooling, the unhelpful words of bad teachers, and the nay-saying ways of the world. The creative adult is in essence simply that, a child.” - Julian F. Fleron
I'm a Creative Director / Writer / Strategist / Thinker / Creative Coach and a bit more. You can also find me on Twitter, Instagram and on Facebook. Or drop me an email – [email protected]
Words (aside from credited quotes) Copyright Rodd Chant 2018
#creative #creativity #passion #creativelife #ideas #inspiration #creativecareers #curious #thinking #create #creativethinking #creativeguts #creators #makers #doers #creativefear #creativedoubt #becreative #creativefuture
Deputy Director
6 年So challenging, can be taught cannot be taught
Earned-First Creative Director, "Pregnant With Marketing Genius" - ADWEEK.
6 年Creativity is innate. People can be taught to remember this.