Can Asymmetric Asynchronous Bit Segregation (A2BS) help secure data hosted in or routed through a non Safe-Harbor location?
In the aftermath of the EU court's ruling, where the US lost its Safe Harbor status in relation to data protection, lawmakers and regulatory bodies within the EU member states are emphasizing that sensitive customer and employee data must remain within the EU Borders. Further lack of trust in even large companies was exemplified when Microsoft had to enter into an agreement with a German partner to manage their own data center within Germany borders.
Data security are today at very high standards among most hosting providers. But there seem to be a question that is still nagging: what do a 512 bit encryption help if the solution used to encrypt data contains a backdoor that allow 3rd party to circumvent the encryption. This is again backed by numerous cases where so called trusted government agencies seemingly exchange information with other agencies cross-boarder and secured information from companies end up with their competitors.
BooleanVault have for some time worked on a solution based on a (t, n)-threshold scheme. The solution rather than utilizing conventional encryption segregate information down to its boolean values and via asymmetry and asynchronous methodology distribute the information across multiple hosting solutions or allow routing across multiple routes/ISPs.
While data that is encrypted are still vulnerable for brute force or back doors A2BS literally removes the significance of the data being stored on a single location. Being based on a (t, n)-threshold scheme it is only possible to access the information if all segments are accessible. Information about the location and number of segments required can be stored in a local file and as part of the segregated information.
Segments of data can be distributed across multiple hosting or routing providers under different jurisdiction.
Data can prior to segregation be encrypted using conventional methodology to increase the level of security. Further is it possible to add redundancies to secure that data can still be received if one or more of the individual hosting solutions are down, temporarily unavailable or data have been seized by the host or a government agency in a given jurisdiction.
Like a secret sharing scheme A2BS increases its security by removing trust from an individual hosting solution to a multiple of hosts.
If you or your organization is interested in further dialogue about how A2BS and BooleanVault can help secure your data and communication please visit