Can ASO be easy?
A few years ago, when I first became interested in coding in Python, I followed various communities that focused on scripting bots for computer games. It was pretty cool and a fun way to learn how to code by scripting strategies to build an army and attack enemies. Rewind about 20 years before that, I was the kind of kid who would come home from school and have my parents set limits on how many hours I could play Command and Conquer, a real-time strategy game from the '90s that was super fun. I’ve always loved experimenting with trial-and-error strategies.
More recently, even before the concept of large language models (LLMs) became popular, reinforcement learning was gaining attention. In some cases, game development teams would release APIs for older, less popular games, allowing people to create bots and script their own strategies to beat armies—or even compete against real players. For me, this was a fascinating way to learn coding. Universities and researchers were also using games like this for AI research, most likely in their computer science departments. For example, the GIF image below is from an MIT research lab.
One popular game for this was StarCraft II, another real-time strategy (RTS) game that had a great Python API. People even made YouTube videos documenting their gameplay adventures. For me, this was all about learning how to code. Even though StarCraft is somewhat similar to Command and Conquer, it has a more futuristic, sci-fi theme, where players can choose between different races like the Terrans (humans), Protoss (aliens), and Zergs (insectoid creatures). I wasn’t particularly into the theme, but I enjoyed using Python to create bots and have fun with the game.
For example, I could create a bot script like this where then the game play would something like this below.
My bot scripts use simple rule-based logic to manage various aspects of the game, such as building the army base, mining minerals, creating workers and miners, training army units, and constructing military equipment. For example, much of the gameplay mirrors how a human player would interact with the game interface by breaking down tasks into small, manageable methods. One such method is build_workers, which checks if the town hall is ready, verifies that there are enough resources and workers, and then builds a new worker in a random location if all conditions are met. This approach allows the bot to efficiently perform essential tasks by following predefined rules, ensuring smooth and strategic gameplay without the need for complex decision-making processes.
async def build_workers(self):
for nexus in self.townhalls.ready:
nexus = self.townhalls.ready.random
if (
and nexus.is_idle
and self.workers.amount < self.townhalls.amount * self.max_workers
async def build_pylons(self):
for nexus in self.townhalls.ready:
nexus = self.townhalls.ready.random
pos = nexus.position.towards(self.enemy_start_locations[0],10)
if (
self.supply_left < 3
and self.already_pending(UnitTypeId.PYLON) == 0
and self.can_afford(UnitTypeId.PYLON)
The entire Python package called SC2 required specific methods to play the game, such as on_start, on_step, and on_stop. These methods controlled the bot's behavior throughout the game. The on_step method was particularly important because it tied everything together, managing all actions asynchronously. This allowed the bot to perform tasks like building, mining, and attacking in real-time, ensuring smooth and continuous gameplay without pausing for each action.
async def on_step(self, iteration):
await self.distribute_workers()
await self.build_workers()
await self.build_pylons()
await self.build_gas()
await self.build_cyber_core()
await self.build_four_gates()
await self.train_stalkers()
await self.chrono_boost()
await self.warpgate_research()
await self.initial_attack()
This can be applied to HVAC?
Imagine applying this concept to HVAC systems, where we could design a script that operates similarly to the game bot using on_start, on_step, and on_stop functions to optimize HVAC performance. This would fall under Automated Supervisory Optimization (ASO), where the Python script could 'play' the HVAC system like a game, making adjustments in real time for optimal performance. In a recent podcast, I heard an interesting comparison: an electrical engineer, after completing a comprehensive course in C programming, could likely transition quickly into operating system software engineering due to their background in hardware and logic gates. Similarly, ASO is about integrating technical knowledge with automation, but applied at the IoT edge level within the building's operations technology (OT) network. This includes not just HVAC and BAS, but also lighting controls, fire alarms, AV systems, elevators, generators, photovoltaic (PV) systems, and other critical building technologies that help run the facility efficiently. The script would monitor and control these systems in real-time, optimizing performance across the board.
I believe that if you gave a seasoned building automation technician a comprehensive Python course, they could transition into application programming just as smoothly as an electrical engineer learning C for systems programming. Why Python? First, it's an easy language to learn, initially designed to help people learn programming, and it has a friendly and comprehensive BACnet stack that's entirely free. While ASO (Automated Supervisory Optimization) could be done on proprietary building automation systems, you might limit yourself. Modern scripting languages like Python enable you to apply advanced computer science patterns and algorithms that are far more efficient than those found in proprietary BAS (Building Automation System) ladder logic tools.
These modern algorithms and patterns, studied rigorously in universities for decades, focus on optimizing time complexity and efficiency—something proprietary BAS tools simply aren't designed to handle. Introducing Python or other modern languages into building automation could open doors for computer science students if they're taught the intuition and expertise of a BAS technician. There are even courses to help bridge that gap, like Phil Zito’s academy, which teaches the foundational knowledge of building automation. This integration of traditional computer science and BAS skills could lead to more innovative and efficient building optimization solutions.
Who would use this?
I believe there are companies, such as monitoring-based commissioning firms (MBx) or smart building analytics companies, that already have the ability to ingest building data into the cloud for reporting purposes. These companies typically focus on smart building fault detection diagnostics, utility metering analytics, and HVAC optimization, among other services, but they often operate in a passive, read-only mode where data flows one-way to the cloud. These firms might be interested in dabbling with Automated Supervisory Optimization (ASO) without wanting to completely overhaul their existing IoT architecture. For them, it would be about exploring edge device algorithms or BACnet write-back capabilities to enable real-time optimization without needing a full redesign.
Additionally, there could be system integrators (SIs) that aren’t full-blown Master Systems Integrators (MSIs). An MSI typically functions as a full-scale IoT software engineering firm, whereas an SI often works with proprietary building automation software suites without the need to develop APIs or custom software. However, these SIs have deep expertise in BAS (Building Automation Systems) and could potentially add ASO as an additional service to their business. Just as MBx firms have extensive engineering experience, SIs often possess vast knowledge of building automation, including integrating legacy BAS platforms and even equipment-level HVAC controls. In both cases, there are clear opportunities for companies to expand their service offerings by incorporating ASO without needing to invest in complex infrastructure changes.
I want to see some scripts...
If there were a tool available that allowed a BAS technician who learns Python to implement an on_start, on_step, and on_stop design pattern, it could operate much like a bot playing a computer game—an already well-established and efficient way of accomplishing tasks. The key is that this tool needs to be easy to use, which cannot be stressed enough. While there are comprehensive IoT software packages that are open source and free, they are often too complex and not designed with the common BAS technician in mind. A technician who has taken a Python course shouldn’t need a full IoT platform to experiment with Automated Supervisory Optimization (ASO); all they need is a Python-based BACnet stack and some modern computer science patterns, which they can learn in a well-structured Python course.
Nothing beyond this is necessary on the operations technology (OT) LAN, which is something the experienced BAS technician is already highly familiar with. The existing OT network is typically isolated from the internet for security reasons, and the technician has likely been managing technology that interacts with HVAC systems in this environment for years. This simplicity allows for powerful automation and optimization without overcomplicating the setup, making ASO accessible to BAS technicians who are eager to apply their newfound Python skills.
I've been experimenting with creating a tool that simplifies this process, making it easier to work with BACnet operations. For example, a BACnet read request on a 60-second loop could be handled effortlessly. The tool works by abstracting the complex workings of the Python BACnet stack, bacpypes, which is a robust library that has been around for many years and works across various Python versions. It’s even used as the BACnet driver in many IoT platforms. Just like in SC2, the tool uses the familiar design pattern of on_start, on_stop, and on_step methods to keep things organized and easy to manage!
import asyncio
from easy_aso import EasyASO
BACnet read request example
# BACnet MSTP device
# Hardware address 22 MSTP trunk 12
BACNET_OBJ_ID = "analog-input,1019"
class CustomBot(EasyASO):
async def on_start(self):
print("ReadRequest on_start!")
async def on_step(self):
print("Starting ReadRequest on_step...")
# Get and print the optimization enabled status
optimization_status = self.get_optimization_enabled_status()
print(f"Optimization Enabled Status: {optimization_status}")
# VAV box discharge air temp sensor
sensor_value_pv = await self.bacnet_read(BACNET_DEVICE_ADDR, BACNET_OBJ_ID)
await asyncio.sleep(STEP_INTERVAL_SECONDS)
async def on_stop(self):
print("ReadRequest on_stop!")
async def main():
bot = CustomBot()
if __name__ == "__main__":
That script above will print out every STEP_INTERVAL_SECONDS the MSTP device address "11:21" and point "analog-input,1019" sensor present-value. A BACnet write script, which would always be combined with reading and writing to do some optimization, could look like this below. There are methods for BACnet read and write, where by the nature of BACnet, a write also handles a BACnet release.
import asyncio
from easy_aso import EasyASO
import random
BACnet write request
FAN_CMD_OBJ_ID = "binary-output,1"
VALVE_CMD_OBJ_ID = "analog-output,1"
class CustomBot(EasyASO):
def __init__(self):
self.last_release_time = None
async def on_start(self):
print("CustomBot started!")
await asyncio.sleep(5)
async def on_step(self):
print("Starting on_step")
optimization_status = self.get_optimization_enabled_status()
current_time = asyncio.get_event_loop().time()
# Check optimization status
if not optimization_status:
print("Optimization disabled, releasing all BACnet overrides.")
await self.release_all()
while not optimization_status:
if (
self.last_release_time is None
or (current_time - self.last_release_time) >= 60
print("Releasing all overrides again (60 seconds passed).")
await self.release_all()
self.last_release_time = current_time
await asyncio.sleep(60)
optimization_status = self.get_optimization_enabled_status()
print("Optimization re-enabled. Resuming normal operation.")
random_bv = random.choice(["active", "inactive"])
print(f"For a fan command override, doing a {random_bv}...")
random_float = random.uniform(0.0, 100.0)
print(f"For a valve percent command override, doing a {random_float}...")
# BACnet write for fan command
await self.bacnet_write(
# BACnet write for valve command
await self.bacnet_write(
print("BACnet step completed.")
await asyncio.sleep(STEP_INTERVAL_SECONDS)
async def on_stop(self):
print("CustomBot is stopping. Releasing all BACnet overrides.")
await self.release_all()
async def release_all(self):
Releases all BACnet overrides by writing 'null' to the fan and valve.
print("Releasing fan override...")
await self.bacnet_write(
"null", # BACnet release is a null string
print("Releasing valve override...")
await self.bacnet_write(
"null", # BACnet release is a null string
print("All BACnet overrides have been released.")
async def main():
bot = CustomBot()
if __name__ == "__main__":
Take note that there is an on_stop method that performs a BACnet release all, which I think is a nice feature. In my experience, when debugging and restarting a process multiple times, it's important to release your overrides before restarting the algorithm. All of these concepts would be very familiar to the common BAS technician once they get past the initial hurdle of learning Python.
What about something a little more complicated?
All of these concepts presented here are basic algorithms that could easily be executed using BAS appliances and their proprietary tools. But what about a more advanced scenario, like an electrical load-shedding example? For instance, let's say we close the cooling valve on an AHU to reduce the load on a chiller system that's consuming a lot of electrical power. This kind of control could be significantly enhanced with modern computer science patterns. A script like this could easily be developed into a staged load-shedding sequence, provided an engineer on the project designs the appropriate sequence to be implemented in Python. This opens the door to more sophisticated, energy-saving strategies that go beyond the capabilities of traditional BAS tools.
class CustomBot(EasyASO):
def __init__(self):
self.last_stage_up_time = time.time()
self.last_stage_down_time = time.time()
async def on_start(self):
print("CustomBot started. Monitoring power consumption.")
async def on_step(self):
current_time = time.time()
power_reading = await self.bacnet_read(
print(f"Current power reading: {power_reading} kW")
# Get status of the discoverable BACnet point for optimization enabled
optimization_status = self.get_optimization_enabled_status()
print(f"Optimization Enabled Status: {optimization_status}")
if not optimization_status:
print("Optimization disabled, releasing all BACnet overrides.")
await self.release_all()
if power_reading > POWER_THRESHOLD:
await self.handle_stage_up_logic(current_time, power_reading)
await self.handle_stage_down_logic(current_time, power_reading)
await asyncio.sleep(STEP_INTERVAL_SECONDS)
async def handle_stage_up_logic(self, current_time, power_reading):
stage_up_elapsed = current_time - self.last_stage_up_time
print(f"Stage Up Timer: {stage_up_elapsed:.2f} seconds elapsed")
if stage_up_elapsed >= STAGE_UP_TIMER_SECONDS:
print(f"Power {power_reading} exceeds threshold.")
print(f"Lowering AHU cool valve.")
await self.bacnet_write(
self.last_stage_up_time = current_time
time_remaining = int(STAGE_UP_TIMER_SECONDS - stage_up_elapsed)
print(f"Waiting for stage up timer.")
print(f"Time remaining: {time_remaining} seconds.")
async def handle_stage_down_logic(self, current_time, power_reading):
stage_down_elapsed = current_time - self.last_stage_down_time
print(f"Stage Down Timer: {stage_down_elapsed:.2f} seconds elapsed")
if stage_down_elapsed >= STAGE_DOWN_TIMER_SECONDS:
print(f"Power {power_reading} is below threshold.")
print(f"Releasing control of AHU cool valve.")
await self.release_all()
self.last_stage_down_time = current_time
time_remaining = int(STAGE_DOWN_TIMER_SECONDS - stage_down_elapsed)
print(f"Waiting for stage down timer.")
print(f"Time remaining: {time_remaining} seconds.")
async def on_stop(self):
print("on_stop called... Releasing all BACnet overrides.")
await self.release_all()
async def release_all(self):
print("Releasing control of AHU cool valve.")
await self.bacnet_write(
"null", # pass a "null" for release
print("All BACnet overrides have been released.")
If you notice in the code above, there's a method call for optimization_status = self.get_optimization_enabled_status(), which is tied to a BACnet point created by the script. What’s really interesting about using bacpypes is that you can create a BACnet device or server application where your script—or bot, if you want to call it that—can be discoverable by the building automation system (BAS). This allows the optimization script to be fully integrated via BACnet. The optimization_status point essentially acts as a kill switch, which could be linked to a button on the BAS graphics, enabling operators to stop the ASO (Automated Supervisory Optimization) if needed, until maintenance or service is performed.
Additionally, this optimization could be linked to the BAS schedule, allowing it to run only at specific times of the day. For instance, an AHU optimization for energy savings using trim and respond logic would only need to run during certain hours, such as overnight for nighttime heating or cooling cycles. Once the building has been adequately warmed up or cooled down, the schedule could signal that it’s time to begin optimization, which could be tied to the BAS equipment run-time schedule. This flexibility ensures the system runs as efficiently as possible while still maintaining occupant comfort.
For a blog post, implementing something like an ASHRAE Guideline 36 AHU duct static pressure reset, particularly the "trim and respond" logic, could be an ideal example of how Python can optimize HVAC systems at the supervisory level. The goal here is to generate energy savings by reducing how hard a variable AHU fan pressurizes the air distribution system. Instead of running the fan at a constant pressure, the trim and respond method dynamically adjusts fan speed based on actual demand. This strategy cuts energy use by maintaining only the necessary static pressure, making it a powerful tool for energy optimization in modern buildings. By leveraging Python and BACnet, you could easily script this optimization and demonstrate how traditional BAS algorithms can be enhanced using open-source tools.
class AHUBot(EasyASO):
async def on_start(self):
# Initialization and startup logic
print("AHU Bot started! Managing multiple AHUs.")
await asyncio.sleep(5) # Wait for any initial setup before starting the process
async def on_step(self):
# Main loop to handle tasks every few seconds and manage AHUs every 5 minutes
while True:
await self.manage_all_ahus(300) # Manage AHUs every 5 minutes (300 seconds)
await asyncio.sleep(2) # Check for updates every 2 seconds
async def on_stop(self):
# Cleanup and resource release
print("AHU Bot stopping. Cleaning up resources...")
await self.release_all() # Release any overrides before stopping
And why stop here? Why not implement a variety of ASO ideas? Just like an SC2 bot, the optimization tasks can be broken down into small, manageable Python methods, all of which can be orchestrated by the on_step method. This makes the process more modular and easier to handle, allowing different strategies and optimizations to be implemented efficiently within the same structure.
White papers on FD and ASO
There are white papers on using fault detection diagnostics (FDD) in conjunction with ASO, but I personally find it hard to fully grasp this concept. In my opinion, I prefer looking at FDD reports, thinking through the issues, and then physically fixing something. Sometimes I feel like fault detection can just reveal a broken building, and programming becomes a band-aid, which is part of the problem in building automation service contracts. These contracts can lead to a lot of temporary fixes rather than addressing the root issues.
In my view, the most ideal buildings are those that have well-calibrated field-level devices, such as I/O points, PLCs, or application-specific devices that drive the HVAC systems. A perfect project, for example, would involve an existing BACnet system with strong local support, where the PLC devices are still supported by the manufacturer and can be updated to the latest firmware. A local consulting engineer could be hired to oversee a retro-commissioning (RCx) process, ensuring the calibration of the I/O devices that control the HVAC system. This would mean verifying that all existing sensors are reading accurate values, that pumps and fans stop and start correctly with reliable motor feedback, that valves in the hydronic system function without leaks, and that air dampers open and close properly, preventing air leakage.
To take it further, a really well-executed RCx project would also revisit the HVAC design and update the system to meet the latest ventilation code requirements, with a test and balance contractor ensuring those changes are implemented on the newly calibrated controls. The analogy here is like giving an old school bus a complete overhaul—it addresses the root issues, so there’s no need for band-aid solutions.
The LBNL white paper titled Development and Implementation of Fault-Correction Algorithms in Fault Detection and Diagnostics Tools (available here) offers valuable insights on the topic. However, coming from a background as an "old school bus mechanic" (former controls technician), it often feels like we’re dealing with broken buildings and applying supervisory-level band-aids in too many places. While it's an excellent paper and it's encouraging to see progress in this area, my personal preference would be to first address and fix the BAS itself, rather than rely on these corrective algorithms.
Other opportunities for ASO
This is my personal take, but when we think about energy efficiency, particularly in terms of saving kWh through fine-tuning variable HVAC systems and managing power in kW, the easiest starting point is optimizing kWh-related aspects. Here are a few areas that could benefit from Automated Supervisory Optimization (ASO):
The topic of electrical power management presents enormous opportunities for ASO, potentially the biggest as society moves closer to full electrification. The building of the future, which organizations like Slipstream are researching, could involve ASO not just for HVAC but also for battery systems, car charging stations, solar PV arrays, and more. Machine learning could play a key role in developing these solutions. As I’ve mentioned before, keep an eye on Slipstream's research—it’s exciting to think beyond HVAC and consider how buildings that are fully electric can optimize based on the demands of the electrical grid. Strategies like electrical load shifting, load rolling, and continuous load management based on real-time pricing could pave the way for some truly innovative bots!
For any BACnet or BAS technicians out there on this journey, or for anyone interested in learning Python, I highly recommend exploring the computer science fundamentals like algorithms and data structures. EdX offers an excellent course Learn the fundamentals of computer science that covers these topics, and it's free if you don't need the certificate. The most valuable sections are Computing in Python III: Data Structures and Computing in Python IV: Objects & Algorithms. These are where you can really connect your BACnet experience and start building something innovative.
Keep in mind, this is not a data analyst or data science course, which is often more focused on creating charts, graphs, and using statistical Python packages—valuable in its own right, but very different from what’s needed for automation or ASO. However, once you master the basics, you could combine these skills with data science techniques, but the first steps are laid out in that EdX course.
This is a bit of a weekend hobby, but I also have a GitHub repo started for this topic here:
HVAC Control System | VRF | BAS | BIM | BIM Industry Expert
5 个月ASO can be a challenging field but your journey and dedication towards coding in Python is truly inspiring. Keep up the great work, Ben Bartling! Unlock the Future of Building Automation System
Buildings Systems Integration and BAS Analytics
5 个月Nice article Ben Bartling. I have a few thoughts 1. I would optimize a new building the GL36, but would use Supervisory control ASO overlay on an existing buildling. 2. Yes, I wish we could program all controllers with Python, Javascript, nodered vs proprietary programming tools, so that programs were portable and sharable across hardware. Of course the controls vendors won't comply until they have to. 3. Machine learning (AI) will soon be best for complex plants and some supervisory coordinated control problems. But, ML/AI needs to learn (be taught) by experts / engineers. And much of what it learns in one plant won't be transferable to another. 4. We need to do data modeling better, faster, cheaper, so our existing building stock can be optimized sooner. HVAC equp vendors need to provide their controller with a model.
Co-Founder & COO at Exergenics
5 个月Thanks for putting this article out Ben. Great concepts! Much of the process you’ve described is what we have been doing at Exergenics for 5 years, in 80+ buildings across 7 countries. We take long term historical data, site documentation & expert site insights, we model those data in our ML optimization engine (combination of matlab and python), the outputs are easy to implement control logic updates that we work alongside the exisiting BAS tech to deploy for retrocomissioning of the central plant control logic. Then continually monitor the data and periodically update the model to provide additional tuning/insights. The key we’ve found with this approach is it works within the customers exisiting framework of control (native to BAS, with controls that can be interrogated/understood), while allowing the site and techs to remain in full control of operations. This enables sites access to the massive benefits of ML/AI without having to jump directly to “plug & play” Would love to share more on this approach & get your insights.
While the power of controls systems technicians enabled with python coding skills is enticing, the risk of unmitigated, untested python code running in the control system domain is too high. Best practice would be to enable a robust historian, transfer the data to a sandbox, preferably in a development domain (maybe just an off network workstation). Train and tinker in the development domain and use a devsecops pipeline to publish updates onto the live system. In my experience most control system domains lack a meaningful historian with commmon symantics to deploy this. This route doesn’t eliminate all risk, but is far superior to providing adversaries with credentialed python and python development tools to use as “living off the land” tools. Once you’ve deployed a dev environment with historian data, the amount of data engineering you can do is endless.
Hyperscale Datacenter Associate Project Manager - Full Development Lifecycle, MEP, BMS, Energy, Shell & Core, Energy
5 个月Achieving controlled energy and carbon expenditure while maintaining optimal comfort and longevity requires a holistic approach. With bolting on of AI and ML it needs new energy-literate design, efficient HVAC systems, energy integration, and stakeholder behavioural changes. By addressing low "plumbing" level improvements, we can create truly sustainable, adaptable and comfortable buildings while reducing operational costs.