Can artificial intelligence surpass human intelligence? ??
Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most disruptive technologies of the XXl century, being part of the fourth industrial revolution, with an infinite capability for advancement.
This scientific discipline is concerned with creating computer programs that execute operations comparable to those performed by the human mind, such as logical reasoning with specific objectives.
The progress of artificial intelligence is daily. Several factors have combined to make it possible, including the emergence of Big Data and the increase in the computational power of machines, giving rise to deep learning with networks of neurons composed of layers of processing units.
Advantages of AI
Artificial intelligence is used to make life easier for people by saving time and effort in the execution of certain tasks, but it has more benefits worth mentioning. For example:
Types of artificial intelligence and their functions
There are different types of AI depending on their purpose. These include:
In turn, there are three other types of artificial intelligence:
Applications of artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence is present in various fields, such as medicine, education, transportation and energy, banking, marketing, and advertising. More and more sectors will become involved with AI, as technological development experiences accelerated growth all over the world.
The goal of AI is to make people's lives easier, and due to its ability to process large amounts of data and provide communication advantages, it has positioned itself as the essential technology of the coming decades.
Artificial intelligence VS human intelligence
Although it may seem that artificial intelligence with all that it means is displacing people and surpassing human intelligence, this is not the case. Although these systems are capable of performing complex specific tasks, they are still far from the broader reach of human intelligence. Powerful tools based on giving answers by imitating what a person would say do exist, but they are not capable of understanding, for example, what they read.
People have an irreplaceable role in the development of AI, not only in its creation, but also in the supervision of its operation and use, to avoid violating fundamental rights. In addition, intelligent systems must be focused on increasing human welfare. In other words, there is no artificial intelligence without human intelligence.