Can Artificial Intelligence Replace Human Intelligence?
It’s 1956, brilliant minds are gathered and a certain John McCarthy decided to coin the term Artificial
Intelligence. Fast forward to 1969, the man, the myth, the legend Shakey was birthed as the first
Artificial Intelligence robot.
Shakey May be unknown to millions but you as an American, European, Asian or even African cannot
deny that the great grand father of AI set the tone for what today is the new world order.
With each passing phase, and as new generations replace the older ones, science and technology
continues to spearhead the ever changing dynamics of human lives.
As the saying goes, change is inevitable. From sport to medicine to education to production, human
evolution has been heavily dependent on science.
You may ask if Artificial Intelligence can replace human intelligence? Well, the answer can best be
summed as theoretically yes but practically no.
Why? you may wander.
Let’s go to class for a minute.
Artificial Intelligence is the ability of machines or computer to simulate human characters, behaviors and
abilities meaning they function imitating engraved human data. With this comes efficiency, precision
and effectiveness things that are mostly unattainable by humans in task completion.
Back to the bar.
Somethings are undeniable. With AI, you can confidently say you’re guaranteed proficiency. Simply put,
what you feed an AI is what it will give back to you.
With this in view, it’s easy to see that without you and I, AI cannot function. Interesting right?
Let’s go a step further and share a general concern.
The introduction of AI to carry out human functions have seen a different outlook and takes as regards
the place and use of human beings.
A genuine concern I dare say.
I mean we don’t want to be seen as useless right?
But here are facts we sadly can’t deny.
- AI are less prone to errors and productivity is at premium. They have the ability to double work
results at triple the rate humans can.
- AI can work round the clock 24/7 without shutting down so they don’t need the doctor or call in
sick .
- AI is not at the risk of a mental breakdown as they offer more precision and a realistic
expectations of desired outcome.
You see where this is going?
But here’s a plot twist. No matter how AI can imitate humans, they will always lack the basics that
makes humanity. With humans you get emotional intelligence, empathy and creativity and in as much as
AI can offer imitation of human lifestyle, they can never offer these.
The touch, the understanding of human feelings, sentiments that drive human interactions, the warmth
you get from physical contact will never come from a robot.
That for me is a win for Human Intelligence don’t you think so?
Obviously years down the line AI will be advanced as technologies and innovations will get better and
have the abilities to be more “human like”.
To conclude, What makes human intelligence unique and irreplaceable is the ability to be emotive and
creative. Artificial Intelligence will always be reliant on data imputation from humans.
AI will always be handy and a supportive tool but can they replace human intelligence?
If we’re keeping it 100%, the answer is a big NO!
Feel free to share your take.