Can AI make art? ??????
??Robin Gupta
Founder@TestZeus, Published Author, Open-source contributor, International Speaker and Dad at home
Every few months on a weekend, I make myself a tall cup of coffee (triple A grade Arabica - no less) and wander into one of the rabbit holes of Technology. These might be tangentially related to my field of work, but that's the point of going off topic. In my experience cross-pollination leads to innovation. And some of my best work-related ideas (like TestZeus) have come from these "meandering" sessions. Since last year a lot of these weekends have been consumed by learning about machine learning. I had even reported my findings earlier, when I had an "aha" moment with GPT-3 in this article.
Very recently an article about craiyon caught my eye, and with a long weekend, I had to make myself some coffee and get to the bottom of this rabbit hole. ???♂?
So generally, my methodology of trying out a new technology, is to answer a big business problem. Something like "Can we handle a million transactions per second?" with this cool new queuing mechanism. Or "Can we handle Shadow DOM natively?" with this tool. So the hypothetical question I was trying to answer with my research around craiyon was that "Can AI make art?" . Searching around the internet I came across various stops about Dall-E and Imagen , and got lucky early on with the discovery of Midjoureny . Their description in their own words:
Midjourney is an independent research lab exploring new mediums of thought and expanding the imaginative powers of the human species
Apart from having a magical crew like the EX-CEO of Github and the Founder of Leapmotion , they are definitely trying to create something magical.
So, here's the deal, Midjourney takes a text prompt; something like "road through a field" and it will generate an image for you. No, seriously. It wont search for the image, or find you the closest match from internet. It will generate the image from (almost) scratch. Here's a sample :
Isn't that magical. So how does it actually work? Well there are a lot of technical details in understanding that bit and I am not a machine learning expert (yet), so here is an oversimplified flow of events:
While that might sound a little technical, its actually technical-er (if that's a word) and the workings of Dall-E, Midjourney and their siblings can be found in detail from their respective research papers.
Now, technical details is one part, but one of the big things both Dall-E and Midjourney solved from the product perspective is the access to a netizen user. The only way we can bring highly sophisticated deep learning projects to the masses is if we can enable the common internet browsing human to dip their toes into the technology, and check it out for themselves.
You can try out Midjourney for free as a Discord bot, by signing up for their Discord server. You get 25 free credits , which are enough to give you a lingering taste of the technology .
From their onwards, you can join one of the "newbie" channels and get creative using the "/imagine" command.
/imagine prompt:?an image of a beautiful surreal tree of life
You can find more details on how to make a better prompt from the channel around Prompt craft. The bot takes under 30 seconds to create 4 visual variations from the input, which can be upscaled or further changed.
Here is something I created with the prompt - "Zeus, indian style, highly detailed" :
The real question: Is it Art?
Lets tackle the big bull by its horns, in my understanding of art, I believe no one would have given text prompts about Monalisa to Leonardo Da Vinci ("simple colors, smiling but just a little and not too much") or the agony of "The Scream" to Edward Munch. And that's real art. Where the artist literally creates every detail, flavor and color of the painting based on his own style, and goes from imagination to creation.
However, machine learning artists (Dall-E or Midjourney) go through the same process but seem to miss the core "imagination" and therefore depend on human input prompts.
On the other hand , I observed some real "art" in the Midjourney Discord channel, in the form of prompts which some users had come up with : "a brutalist gothic cathedral carved into the side of a sheer rock wall cliff, overlooking a tumultuous sea, with giant waves. landscape, unreal engine, 8k, cinematic, grey light, very high detail" . And that human imagination seemed to be the real power behind the machine created pictures.
This power took us to the moon on a rocket, and will continue to build intricate machine learning models in the future.
So, can AI make art? Ill let you decide that. It can definitely make better art than me, as long as I can come up with the right prompts.
Just scroll to the top, and see the 8 images used in the header of this article. Each of these are from the Midjourney community showcase and were created by this bot. Yes, even the wolf motif or the cowboy one. Here are some other examples from their community :
All image credits go to Midjourney bot and the respective users for their "imaginative" prompts.
Let me know if you are convinced if "AI can make art" or otherwise in the comments below. ????