Can AI Help Clean Up Our Oceans?
Plastics Insights
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our society relies heavily on plastic products and the amount of plastic waste is expected to increase in the future. If not properly discarded or recycled, much of it accumulates in rivers and lakes. Eventually it will flow into the oceans, where it can form aggregations of marine debris together with natural materials like driftwood and algae.
A new study from Wageningen University and EPFL (= école Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) researchers has developed an artificial intelligence-based detector that estimates the probability of marine debris shown in satellite images. This could help to systematically remove plastic litter from the oceans with ships. Read more
Neste und Eppendorf Develop Line of Renewable Lab Plastics
Neste has joined forces with Eppendorf, Inc. to advance the development of lab products made with renewable raw materials. Working together, the strategic partnership made it possible to create a new line of renewable plastic lab consumables: Eppendorf Consumables BioBased. Read more
Sirmax to Open Plant in India
Sirmax New Life - Sirmax Group Green Business Unit up is set to establish its 14th global production plant in India. The Padua-based company, specializing in the production of thermoplastic granules for various application sectors, already operates two plants in India located in Palwal and Valsad, in the west and north respectively. Read more
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