My latest #Financial #Times column: "Can Africa’s Continental Free Trade Area Overcome its High Risks?"
Harry G. Broadman
Global Business Executive & Counselor║Board Chair, Audit Committee Chair║Columnist║Keynoter ? EX White House║CFIUS║Private Equity║PwC║World Bank║US Senate║Brookings║Resources for the Future Inc║Harvard, Hopkins Faculties
My latest column for the Financial Times argues that in their pursuit of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)--a truly laudable (and heroic) objective--the African authorities would do well to not design a trade adjustment assistance program along the lines of what the U.S. and other advanced countries have created, which are siloed and inherently flawed.
Rather, a large pool of adjustment funds to offset dislocation costs must be made integral to the AfCFTA itself.
The link to the column is here.
Comments are most welcome.