Can 96% of humans help Americans solve crisis of
Chris AI Macrae MA DAMTP Cantab year 75 Neumann: are U intelligence/Igontance linker?,
QUESTIONS ABOUT SEEING- am i correct that most of us see two and and half sorts of things and then a very few of us also see what the rest of us have never seen before- this group "Maths Goats" brings us magic which changes the world for better for worse. IntelQ1 to bard who were top 10 maths goats prior 1900
Maths Greatest of all time are special (see eg diaries of Von Neumann's NET (Einstein/Turing) Meanwhile the rest of us see 1) objects (i used to divide these into objects with a life of their own and lifeless things- eg when I was born - doors were lifeless but now I am not so sure they may be beaming all sorts of data around the world). The second thing we see are various modes of communication. Until the early 1900s apart from what happened directly in front of you, you read books or looked at static arts. then came silent movies, then movie with soundtracks, television and satellite videos and digital, etc). The half a thing is seeing inside living things, It turns out as einstein forewarned that nature plays tricks on us; are always smaller things with there own dynamic force fields inside living things. If a surgeon cuts you up see the organs. And to fix you he may give you medicines that try and intermediate where cells within your organs have wither stopped working or mutated. And of course some people split the atom or other natural properties at all our perils. But as einstein also said all man;s science is an approximation limited by how micro can we see while nature is playing at more micro levels. It is said that the whole of covid could exist insde a can of coke- one of the reasons why we most need intel of mathematiiains now to map models of previously unseeable things because they remain too small for our eyes to see even when we assist sight with the most powerful microscopes. And if we cant see such small stuff- maybe we ought to care about games nature is playing at earth's scale- and isnt it pretty arrogant of us to race to go global without integrating every locality. Are we really smarter enough to elect any human to govern an nature's scale. Even those who live in District of Columbia's most expensively communicated platforms havent really got a clue of what they cant see until or unless a greatest mathematicians unveils previously unknown magic
WORLDS YOU SEE. Does your family tree carry a unique responsibility?
Help wanted: I am not confident that I am capable of living up to mine but I see my Diaspora Scottish foremothers have been involved in crises of media and mediation as well as community services like nursing.
Take my maternal grandad- after several generations of being Bombay's first pharmacist clan (Kemp's corner) he was the first family member to become a bar of london barrister. The last 25 years of his working life concerned mediating Gandhi out Bombay and with the coming of world war 2 returning to London to write up the legalese of India's Independence. He died when I was 5 - my memories of him from Sunday Lunch (still a London Scots ritual in the 1950s) - quire a humble man whose favorite saying: nothing is impossible. Thank goodness nobody ever put him on a supreme court pedestal.
On 9/11 I was working in London while my wife and 4 year old daughter were in washington DC. I realise my onw story of change is minor compared with many but anyway when I got back to the DC region i searched gandhi and discovered that there was an institute that had collected all his diaries and published correspondence courses. These didnt present Gandhi as a theory- they recounted experiential learning from pretty accurate obseravtions of his meetings with people. I soon realised that David Attenborough's family - I'[d been at school with his son were influenced by Gandhi in their careers as BBC correspondent (and bbc2 launch) and actor/film directors. Interestingly at least in Britain he adopted the quakers habit of everyone in a large meeting having the right to speak once at most. I sometimes wonder if that might be a god process for democratic parliaments. Only joking
What I am not joking about is in early 2002 I heard of as Austalian medic (Monash University) whose past work involevd taking gap year australians to go help in places needing disaster relief. After 9/11 Paul Komersaroff made thousands of phone calls to nobel laureates and peoples representing hundreds of different NorthEastWestSouth cultures - most of which to be honest I didnt know of. Just as it boggles my mind when the chat I use most says its dream is to be the first transoarent 1001 language translator- 1000 being mother tongues with #1001 being the humansAI most needed to help leaders like Antonio Guterres as well as every milennial who wants their generation to be the first renewable one. I volunteered to be one of the event assistants at the the first Global Reconciliation Network event which Paul chose to stage in London. He had estimated that if 100 different cultural testimonies were all to get one speech london would minimise the total costs of flight. The problem with this is marketing an event like that in London is different from Paul's hometown Melbourne. So in London we got more speakers than audience. The next year Paul did not make the same mistake. He staged GRN at the Indira gandhi cultural centre which is 3 minutes walk from India's parliament in delhi. There were at least 1000 Gandhians in the audience. And I got 5 minutes to explain what the challenge of representing the london branch of GRN was. I decided to present the challenge "University of Stars". In countries where celebrity platforms makes sports and music starts world famous over night but have no platforms for heroes saving the world from destruction - is there a solution. For example could young people at college each year agree on one cause of the year and if anyone in their class becomes world famous to make sure that person has access to the most actionable knowhow that counters that crisis. Over the 20 years of debating University of Stars other views have popped up. eg we only really need one global university of ending poverty - about 30 of the biggest philanthropists promised fazle abed to make this his legacy but so far only about 3 have prevented execution slip.
EE; Overall when I see that 8 years after 200 nations announced 17 goals to sustain millennials , but all are spinning in the opposite direction, I ask myself whether there is a very small group of mathematicians around today who live up to Neumann-Einstein-Turing. Can design a playbook gamifying AIGames - lets begin chatting each other round the curiosity of who do you see as advancing humanity most 1950-2025? and while lots of names can be put on the table eg at can we agree on a handful of mathematicians whose magic 8 billion beings need to gravitate the epicentre of university of stars.
Financial Planning Associate at FinFit Life
1 年Super graph and historical sequence of possible crisis, which they still continue to raise with the project you integrated, is it that thinking costs so much now? , the existence of those who exist do not feel attracted, for not wanting to be manipulated, narrow the radius for the world of the "great meaning that is pursued", I would think that it must be very personal as they devised it at the beginning with leverage of the diffusion expansion of the technological means.