The Campbell College community will unite in support of Macmillan’s World’s Biggest Coffee Morning
In support of Macmillan!

The Campbell College community will unite in support of Macmillan’s World’s Biggest Coffee Morning

On this day, International Day of Charity, a SAVE THE DATE (Friday, 29th September noon - 4pm at Campbell College) if you wish to support:

The Campbell College community will unite in support of Macmillan’s World’s Biggest Coffee Morning

Hosted at Junior School in Key Stage 1 (first building on the left as you drive in through the main gates), tea & coffee, tray bakes and cakes will be available to buy from noon until 4pm on Friday, September 29th in support of Macmillan.

Money raised helps Macmillan make sure no one has to face cancer alone.

The organisers were eager to ensure all OCs were informed of the opportunity to join the College in supporting Macmillan in this way: everyone is most welcome!

Senior school gets involved too, with the boys able to buy donuts and giant cookies during their lunchtimes!

Campbell College Parent Laura Delaney, who runs the voluntary team behind the event has been organising a Macmillan Coffee Morning for 7 years (the last 4 at Campbell College) and has raised over £25,000 in support of the charity.

Laura herself was diagnosed with Stage 3 head and neck cancer 5 years ago, when her son Alex (now in Year 8 Campbell College) was only 6.

As Laura explains, “Campbell were simply wonderful...from all the teaching staff, the parents and the boys...As a family we came through this difficult time but not without an army of people and this included the school, friends and Macmillan.

I was very open and honest with my illness and wrote a Parentmail as to why I was doing this coffee morning. Soon after I heard that another Campbell Mum, Diane Dunlop had just been diagnosed and I wrote to her as I knew the utter terror you feel when you get that diagnosis and all you want is someone to talk to who has come through it successfully. We are now firm friends and Diane part of the Coffee morning team.

Two years ago I heard of another Mum in the Senior School Amanda Cairns whose cancer had sadly returned, I reached out again and helped her during her treatment and are now great pals and she is part of the team helps that she is a star baker!

Cancer tears families apart but in a funny way connects people and you form these unbreakable bonds. Our coffee morning is always such a special day; the sun always shines; we always have such an incredible turnout. A day full of hope, friendship.

OCs, their families and friends are all incredibly welcome to join us on the afternoon of Friday, September 29th in support of Macmillan, thank you.”

On behalf of the OC Society we would like to take this opportunity to wish Laura and her team of volunteers a very successful event in support of Macmillan and hope OCs who don’t have too far to travel and would like to get involved join us in Key Stage 1 on Friday, September 29th from noon.

For those OCs who are working parents and unable to join us in the afternoon, there will also be pre packaged selections of fresh tray bakes to go, available in the morning (8-8:45am), for you to purchase for £5 each and take into work to share!


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