Campaign Strategies in Mobile Games: Moving Beyond Instals

Campaign Strategies in Mobile Games: Moving Beyond Instals

In mobile game marketing, the focus has shifted from simply driving installs to targeting what players do once they are in the game. While we used to concentrate mainly on getting as many users as possible through cost-per-install (CPI) campaigns, we now prioritise strategies that lead to meaningful player actions.

From Installs to In-Game Events

Traditionally, campaigns were centred on acquiring users at the lowest possible cost. The main goal was to increase the number of installs. Now, we aim to drive specific in-game events that demonstrate player engagement, such as completing a tutorial or reaching a certain level, which are often indicators of a higher return on investment.

For instance, if players who reach level 50 are more likely to stay engaged or make in-game purchases, we can shift our efforts to attract users who are more likely to achieve that milestone. Even if the cost per install is higher, the long-term value of these players makes it worthwhile.

Data-Driven User Acquisition

By analysing user data, such as age, location, and device type, campaigns can be tailored to attract players who are most likely to engage deeply with the game. This approach helps ensure that we’re not just getting downloads but bringing in users who will enjoy the game and continue playing.

Why It Matters for Developers

For game developers, mastering these advanced campaign strategies is essential. It's no longer about the volume of installs but about attracting players who will be valuable in the long run.

Kwalee’s Hitseeker platform can help you refine your approach to user acquisition. Whether you're just getting started or looking to level up your strategies, Hitseeker offers valuable insights and tools to help your game grow.



