CAMP 1872 Progress Report: Dispatch No. 9
Bierstadt's 'Last of the Buffalo'

CAMP 1872 Progress Report: Dispatch No. 9


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Hi all! We're now officially into the second half of 2021 and racing (or so it seems) towards the sesquicentennial of the Royal Buffalo Hunt here in Nebraska.

Happily, I have a fair amount of progress to report on what we've accomplished over the past month of June, starting with the creation of a new webpage:

BISONTOKEN.IO is the first tangible step towards our goal to launch what I call an "Initial Token Offering" or ITO. Back in 2017, as the cryptocurrency market began a new bull run, hundreds of crypto coins where created through ICOs, "initial coin offerings," some of them, outliers actually, pulling in millions of dollars; few of them lasting and gaining any serious economic or financial traction. However, they did show the level of interest in the cryptocurrency/blockchain world. Starting earlier this year, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) became all the rage with again, a few outliers - to use Malcolm Gladwell's term - literally cashing in and spurring another short-lived balloon.

However, in the midst of this seemingly frenetic pursuit of "moons," a more promising concept has begun to emerge: the role of the DAO or Decentralized Autonomous Organization. Here's a good video to explain what it is ( Basically, it's a virtual form of democracy where token holders have a say in the administration of the organization: a virtual co-op of sorts.

As an Ada holder (the token of the Cardano blockchain) I have the right to vote, for example, on how the DAO's treasury is spent. Most recently, the members were asked to vote on a number of proposals that are seeking funding from the DAO's nearly half-billion dollar treasury! That round of funding proposals was Number Four. Our proposal (? is in Round Five: I'll have more to say on its chances below.

Years ago, I learned about the Mondragon Cooperative in the Basque region of Spain. It is an employee/member-owned and managed manufacturing conglomerate that got its initial inspiration from the 18th century worker co-ops in England, with a sprinkling of Jesuit theology and Karl Marx to season the mix. It has been an extremely successful enterprise that I personally find very appealing. That's what has attracted me to the DAO concept; and it's what I want to build the BISONTOKEN around: and it is the BISONTOKEN that I see funding development of the Little Big Buffalo Hunt AR mobile game and eventually the CAMP18782 Xperience.

Helping us move the project in that direction is our newly appointed Project Manager: Chad James Shannon of La Jolla, California. He too is a Cardanoian, as well as a project manager, formerly with Siemens. He was listening to the Cardano Catalyst Project "Open Mic" session a couple weeks ago on which I appeared ( After visiting the newly launched web page, he immediately rung me up and we began a constructive dialogue about his background and interests and how he could help move the tokenization aspect of our project forward. Earlier this week, I asked him to more or less take charge of the marketing research and communication side, starting, he suggested, with a review of our Catalyst Five Proposal. We both agreed that isn't generating the interest it needs to attract many if any votes when our turn comes around. I clearly didn't know what I was doing with this first proposal, but I wanted to start somewhere and it succeeded at least in indirectly attracting Chad's interest. We assume that we likely will have to resubmit a revised and more focused proposal, but Chad thinks we also need to keep the same funding level request of $1.872 million - remember the DAO's treasury is somewhere in the neighborhood equivalent to $250,000,000 USD, while Cardano's current market cap is north of $40 BILLION USD. Using a really good ? and clearly superior ? Round 5 proposal he came across while doing his market research for us, he's drafting a new proposal, likely for Round 7 since the deadline for Round 6 is next week.

Speaking of Cardano and bison, I may have mentioned to you previously that back in late March, the founder of Cardano, 33-year-old Charles Hoskinson of Longmount, CO., mentioned his interest in creating a computer game involving "crypto bison." More than two months pass and he's being interviewed for five hours solid by respected podcaster Lex Fridman. Again he mentions "crypto bisons," one of which he said he's going to give Fridman. Excerpts of both those comments are now on the Where'd his interest in "crypto bison" come from? According to Josh Miller (, the IOHK business development agent who called me about the bison hunt game concept after an email I sent the company, he had just briefed Hoskinson before the March event, so it was fresh on Charles' mind and clearly peaked his interest, especially since he owns a ranch in Wyoming with 400 head of bison.

Hoskinson is not the only person of influence interested in the project it appears, especially the digital as well as the cryptocurrency aspects. Using the ever-valuable LinkedIn, I reached out to John Gaeta ( after coming across a recent article about his current project: a reboot of the Matrix. He responded to my outreach and asked for more information about our project, so I gave him both barrels, so speak: links to the website and most of the PDF's I've created. Here's how he responded:

"Great use of AR. Love the depth of historical research and underlying message. Will be interesting to see if you can leverage nft to fundraise."

I have to admit that it's pretty exciting having the creator of the groundbreaking special effects for the Matrix film franchise comment on the project.

Beside all the technical aspects of the project, one of my aspirations continues to be engagement with our Great Plains native tribes. Towards that end, it appears I have made some progress with gaining an audience with one of the oldest tribes on the Great Plains, the Ponca tribe of Nebraska. As a member of the Omaha Game Developers Association, I along with other members were challenged to come up with some physical board game ideas for an upcoming hackathon this month. I have developed the basic idea for one around Plains Indian culture. Obviously, to do it justice requires guidance and input from the tribes and here the Ponca's Vice Chairman, Rebecca White has been very encouraging. She is arranging for me to appear before the council sometime in August at which time I can explain the board game idea, and of course, maybe introduce them to the concept of the AR game.

A couple other items before I wrap this up:

I have set up a Discord channel for BISONTOKEN if you're interested in joining the conversation on a more regular basis.

Our virtual Alphaherd continues its randomized meandering across the Nebraska Sandhills, curiously staying this past month within an 8 mile radius. I would love to GPS tag some real bison in one of the larger national reserves and see how the two compare. You can, of course, follow the little digital herd's daily movements on the website:?

Thanks so much for taking an interest in the project. I very much appreciate it. Have a safe and fun Fourth of July! Talk to you next month.



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