Caminos Explains "Elizabeth's Revenge"

Caminos Explains "Elizabeth's Revenge"

The painting you see here is one of my all time favorites, but at about 4x5 and framed in gorgeous, heavy cherry wood, it’s just too big to pack up for a downsizing move to a smaller accommodation in Seattle. 

The sale price is $4200, plus shipping. I’m offering this painting to you because I’d prefer it to be kept “in the family” and experience a new life with appreciative individuals such as you, my LinkedIn connections. Of course, there's a story connected with “Elizabeth’s Revenge” which I believe you will enjoy:

Some years ago, my oldest friend, Elizabeth, finally came out, and as some of you may recall, that process comes with assorted rites of passage. In Lizzy’s case, she and a group of new found friends went off to a women’s weekend retreat in the Vermont countryside, to join others for murky pond swimming, free form dancing to the melodies of flutists and drummers, shared chores such as wood chopping and garden weeding, and a menu of gas creating vegetarian cuisine, followed by quiet meditation (and farting, we will assume). They also were encouraged to “be free” by going around the acreage sans clothing.

And here is where our painting is born, via a photo Lizzy sent to me of herself on the far right, with her buddies. Liz is smirking because she thinks her ass is by far the superior choice. We have no idea why the poor soul on the left is wearing underpants. Theories offered forth are perhaps that she had a very terrible looking bottom, or otherwise was suffering a messy period, or for reasons unknown was extremely shy. We’re still left wondering why this gang chose to show their rear ends and not their frontal delights. Your guess is as good as mine.

“Elizabeth’s Revenge” enjoyed being shown in a solo exhibition when I lived in Tribeca. While hanging, she became a great friend and gallery mascot to all who came and went. Some enthusiasts patted one or another bottom to say good night, others bowed to kiss each cheek in greeting. When the time arrived to take the painting down, moans of “Oh no! Please don’t take them away!” were heard. 

People have asked why are there eggs flying in the background? Are they symbolic of fertility? I smile. And then there are olives, sliced pickles, peas, cherries and green beans? What do they mean? I smile again because I could make up deep meanings for these things, but I prefer to allow viewers to advance their own opinions. You might have your own ideas, and whatever they are, I’m sure they’re the correct interpretations. I once had a contest among dinner guests about the meaning of the food featured in the background of "Revenge". The results gave credence to imagination! One simple fact, from an artist’s point of view, is that green and red go well together and create a sort of color bounce. And the bursts of white and yellow are needed to balance against the skin tones. 

I would be beyond euphoric if you decide to take over the well being of my women. Should this not be the right time for you, perhaps you know someone who may love them, or be an aficionado of nudes, or humor in the buff. Contact me directly at [email protected] with commentary and inquiries. I've got other paintings in search of new digs you can peruse on FB/janehickeycaminos: photos/albums. My way past needing a freshening up website? I'm leaving for the NW on November 7th and you can find me frazzled and packing in NJ until then.


