It Came From Outer Space…

It Came From Outer Space…

So, this week, scientists announced they’ve detected mysterious radio signals coming from a galaxy far, far away. Three billion light-years away to be exact. When I heard the story I immediately flashed on the 1977 mega-movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Yep, the old minds eye was envisioning a menacing fleet of starships headed our way. The radio signals, a warning of the day of reckoning to come. I mean, given the way things have been going of late in our country, our world, it just seemed like a fitting and almost logical development. A galactical “other shoe” getting ready to drop, if you will. In fact, if memory serves I’m pretty sure I said out loud, “sounds about right” as I imagined a laser beam dissecting the Capitol Building in D.C.

A quick sidebar: An encounter of the “third kind,” requires coming into contact with an alien life form. As you might expect, as encounters go, it’s the grand prize. The UFO classification system - yes it really does exist - was created by an Ohio State University astronomer named J. Alan Hynek who helped the Air Force investigate UFOs in his spare time. Stephen Spielberg reportedly paid Hynek a thousand bucks to use the term in the movie.

Anyway…the scientists say that’s probably not what’s going on with the signals. I remain somewhat unconvinced, but they’re scientists so you have to trust they know what they’re talking about, right? On the other hand, I’m pretty sure the government would want to keep something like a pending space invasion on the down low. Can you imagine the pandemonium that would ensue? I mean, of course they’d cover it up until they could figure out how to spin it, right? Is it a coincidence that the U.S. Space Force was created just a couple of years ago? It seemed so ridiculous at the time. OMG, it’s beginning to all make sense. And thus, the conspiracy is born…

True Lies…

As we’ve discussed often in this space, trust is increasingly hard for us. In fact, it’s in very, very short supply these days. By appearances we seem to live in a country that increasingly operates under the premise that any view, value, or interpretation of reality other than my own is a boldface, anti-American lie from the pits of hell and you probably deserve to die or at least be jailed for having thought it. The national news and related shows, particularly those on cable, reinforce this “truth” 24/7 and present an overall image of a populace divided by a Grand Canyon sized crevice at the 50-yard line of a red, white, and blue football field. I believe that, however, is the actual BIG LIE.

To stick with the football analogy, I believe the extremists in this country occupy the space 20-yards from the goal line on either end of the field. The folks that reside outside of those two extremes, I think, are very different. They are the true majority and, by and large, are way more tolerant, and open to compromise than not. Certainly more so than their extremist, “my way or the highway” counterparts. Alas, they’re also not nearly as interesting as the extremists with their go-to-hell talking points and outrage. But here’s the deal. That more rational majority is becoming more and more silent. In fact, we’re losing them. They’re growing increasingly frustrated, distraught, and disengaged. They’re not being heard. Their issues not being addressed. As a group they are dangerously close to pulling the cover over their heads and simply refusing to get out of bed.

The Proof…

This week Pew Research Center released a study profiling American’s Views of Government. It wasn’t pretty. It was startling.

  • Only 8% described the government as responsive to the needs of ordinary Americans.
  • Over half of both Republicans and Democrats agreed it does too little about issues affecting “people like you.”
  • And as for trust in the institution itself? Only 29% of the Democrats surveyed said they trusted the U.S. government (members of the party controlling the White House always give a higher score) while a measly 9% of Republicans agreed, which by the way, represents a 60-year low.

Obviously, this is important to acknowledge for all kinds of reasons, not the least of which is we’ve, once again, entered election season in this country. I know what I’m about to say is going to sound hackneyed but, this truly may be one of the more important election cycles in the History of the United States. Really not crying wolf here. If we lose the engagement of the aforementioned silent majority, aka the rational folks, the country will cede it’s future to the extremists and basically obliterate what little trust there is. Without trust in the institution the institution goes away leaving, well, anarchy.

Take The Plane Off Autopilot…

I would ask the media to consider the following: As you go about deciding how you’re going to cover the elections, recognize that it may be the most important plan you ever participate in. What happens in local and state elections over the next couple of years may ultimately be far more important than the outcome of race for the White House in 2024. As recent events, including the pandemic (and, late add - the Michigan governor’s race) have born out, school boards, mayors, city councils, and state legislators can have a dramatic impact on our lives. They are also far more likely to be able to do something about issues affecting those “people like you” who are feeling ignored. In other words, there’s a shot here to actually make a difference in what ails us. Candidates for those offices need to be vetted, grilled, and frankly run through the gauntlet. Our communities need to know that those seeking their vote have more to offer than a big grin, jaunty personality, and string of empty promises designed to appease. And, one more thing… they - the community, the people - need to have an active, present voice in everything you do.

Awakening The Sleeping Giant?

Last week I suggested it was time to open the doors and invite in the neighbors. Time to give them a platform for expression and a role in identifying and defining the issues in need of coverage. Real skin in the game. In this context that means finding ways to make them part of the coverage equation through whatever means possible. Town halls and community meetings, taking real people to candidate news conferences and letting them ask the questions, debates, and whatever else you can conjure up. I believe the coming elections offer the opportunity to put the microphone in front of those living outside those 20-yard lines of the extremes. It allows them to engage and be heard and to have true impact that could change the metrics of the situation we find ourselves in today and even inject a modicum of optimism in a group of people whose continued engagement we simply can’t survive without.

So, take a second look at your election plan if you would please, kinda like everyone’s lives depended on it. Consider assigning your investigative team and best of the best journalists to do deep dives on the candidates and issues. And, by all means, invite in the neighbors. This time in history could be our country’s and the media’s moment in time. We can choose to rise to the occasion and attempt to be the conduit for necessary change or stay on autopilot and simply let the moment pass and, quite possibly, everything else with it.

Mashed Potato Mountains…

So indulge me for just a moment longer. I kid you not, just a day or two before hearing about those space signals I was listening to a podcast where someone said that our society “needed some kind of event, a real jolt, that would force us to set aside our differences, at least for a time, and come together for a common cause.” Interesting timing right? Coincidence? I don’t think so. Call me strange but maybe it wouldn’t be the worst thing to have some sort of “third kind” alien encounter right now, right here. I mean, if that didn’t change the news cycle and bring us together I don’t know what would. I need mashed potatoes…

Alan J. Goldsher

NY1 NY’er of the Week, Emmy Awarded, created over 1700 FREE profile videos for businesses in NY and 8 other states during the pandemic.

2 年

It’s VGer.



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