John Calvin Image credit: Georgios Kollidas


John Calvin?(1509-1564) was a theologian and ecclesiastical statesman, who played a pivotal role in the Protestant Reformation of the 16th Century. His influence extended beyond his lifetime, shaping the development of?Calvinism, a significant branch of Protestant theology. Calvin’s profound work, the?“Institutes of the Christian Religion”, had a great impact on Protestantism across Europe and North America.?His theology and doctrines, known as Calvinism, continue to resonate with modern-day Pentecostal Christians, especially the Presbyterian Churches, worldwide.

The most enduring and, perhaps, most controversial part of Calvin’s legacy is his doctrine on Salvation, known as the Unconditional Election. The doctrine of Unconditional Election is based on a 5-point theological framework, known by the acronym TULIP (Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, and Perseverance of the Saints). Essentially, the Calvinist doctrine of Unconditional Election claims that God has chosen certain individuals for salvation before the foundation of the world, based solely on His divine will and purpose, rather than any foreseen merit or action on the part of those individuals, and that the offering of the Blood of Jesus is only limited to the “elect”, whom God has appointed or chosen to be saved, not to all humanity.

The Calvinist theology and doctrines on Salvation are based on one side of the biblical paradox, but the concept of limited atonement has no sound scriptural basis. However, I sympathize with John Calvin on the error of Unconditional Election. Calvin made a mistake anybody not guided by sound revelation, and without efficient data mining and analysis tools, could make even today. While we can easily forgive Calvin, there is no excuse for those who continue to swallow his doctrine, hook line and sinker.

In my book, SALVATION IN PERIL: AN INVITATION FOR A FRESH ALTAR CALL, I have analyzed and balanced both sides of the paradox that gave birth to the controversial doctrine. Based on empirical data from Scripture, you will understand why and how Calvin was so wrong, and why his doctrine on Salvation should either be modified or discarded.

Click the link to order the book, SALVATION IN PERIL: AN INVITATION FOR A FRESH ALTAR CALL from Amazon.


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