Be Calm, Be Positive and Lose Weight Naturally

Be Calm, Be Positive and Lose Weight Naturally

Are you fed up of feeling exhausted? Lose Weight Naturally at any age by learning to be calm positive and creative.

Being a mature woman myself, I understand the area of anti-aging naturally which includes weight loss and sustaining it. Just eating healthy food and exercising doesn’t guarantee weight loss. The number one area to look at is letting go of stress. Stress comes from a variety of areas- career, family and even the whole idea of aging or moving into any relative age group that society labels as a milestone. People worry from a young age, and there is so much fear around aging that individuals are often in the stress cycle without even realizing it. When you are in that cycle the body produces stress chemicals including adrenaline and cortisol, which activate the fight or flight reaction within the body, this offers a burst of energy for quick reactions to danger and it is ok short term. Prolonged stress chemicals in the body can lead to dangerous health conditions including lowered immune system, high blood pressure, weight increase and more.

So learning to be calm by understanding your stress patterns and letting them go is number one so you can learn to apply positive techniques and balance from within. When you feel calm, positive and accept yourself where you are then the body is generally functioning and producing your natural endorphins and serotonin, the feel good chemicals. When you eat well and exercise the body naturally stays slim and balanced.

When you’re calm, you sleep well and your brain and liver can work in harmony too. Lack of sleep is being recognised as unhealthy for you as smoking is.

A good night’s sleep is essential for optimum health. The Pineal gland in the brain produces a chemical called MELATONIN which helps regulate your sleep cycle. Light effects the amount produced and during winter due to less sun it may start producing it earlier or later. The body heals, detoxes, and re-energises when you’re sleeping and the MELATONIN shares the body's toxic load with the LIVER by helping to neutralise free radicals and by regenerating the body overall. If you’re not sleeping well you’re depriving your health and it has been said that not sleeping well impacts fluctuations and weight loss - to improve your health and improve sleep with the aim to sustain a healthy weight by developing healthy habits and learning the skills to combat what caused the stress is essential.

If you or you know of someone else who is in this cycle of stress and exhaustion download a free copy of my book “How to be Calm under pressure: Advance your Career with Mindfulness”


Januta Ribinskas

Executive Wellbeing


