The Calm After The Storm
Carlos Hidalgo
Fractional CMO, Co-Founder & CEO of Digital Exhaust - Making Growth Simple for Our Clients. Coach; Executive Advisor, 2x Author, Int'l Keynote & TEDx Speaker
This week I have been thinking back to this time in 2020.
It was an unsettling time for all of us. We were all still adapting to social distancing, learning about COVID, anxious about loved ones, and mourning loss.
Like many business owners, our business took a hit due to the pandemic and it was an added stress at an already turbulent time.
Adding to all of this and in the name of "what were you thinking?" My wife and I were also in the process of downsizing.
With our youngest ready to head off to college, we decided to pack/reduce 26 years of marriage into a few boxes, donate much of what we had accumulated over that time and move into an RV.
In case you were wondering, when you pare down a 3,700 square foot home into a 335 square foot RV, while you are scrambling to make up for unexpected revenue loss and in the middle of a pandemic it can be chaotic.
This major life shift and the events at the time were quite a challenge for me and stretched me in numerous ways.
This perfect storm made me realize how much I like "normal".
It also put a spotlight on my control-freak tendencies and how if unchecked, they can quickly become an unhealthy aspect of my life.
It also caused me to take a long hard look at these controlling habits I had built up over the years and how they presented themselves in numerous ways.
Most importantly, it helped me learn that no matter how hard I tried there was very little that was actually within my control.
This time helped me to release my expectations, and to hold things loosely.?
This time two years ago was quite stormy, but looking back I now see what I could not see in the middle of it all . . . calm seas on the horizon.
As I reflect on what was, I earnestly look to take all that I learned during this time and hope I have the awareness to apply this acquired wisdom to the next storm that comes into my life; because I know that no matter how good life is, storms will come.
If you are going through a storm, no matter the size, know that you will get through it and hold fast to the hope that there is calm after the storm. If I can help you through it, put some time on my calendar for us to chat.
On the journey with you,
P.S. We will be launching our next Life Design Cohort on Tuesday, June 7th. If you would like to learn more about how to be a part of our Life Design community, check it out here or email me at [email protected]