Calls for evidence launched and EEH conference 2023 announced

Calls for evidence launched and EEH conference 2023 announced

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Newsletter May 2023

What's inside this month's edition

Welcome to England's Economic Heartland's May newsletter.

Included in this month's issue:

  • Calls for evidence launched for our latest connectivity studies
  • EEH conference date and venue announced
  • Bus guidance and advice for local authority officers

We're very interested to hear your views to improve the newsletter and make it as useful and relevant to you as possible. Please contact Erin Pitcher ([email protected]) with any suggestions and feedback.

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Your chance to help shape upcoming connectivity studies

England’s Economic Heartland has launched a ‘call for evidence’ to inform the development of our next two connectivity studies: ‘Thames Valley-Buckinghamshire-Milton Keynes-Northampton’ and the ‘southern east-west corridor’ covering Buckinghamshire, Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire.

The connectivity studies are an important part of EEH’s work programme, developing an evidence base that shows what the most effective connectivity solutions are for key corridors across the region. The evidence captured will be used to shape investment proposals going forward, through EEH or in support of individual local authorities’ priorities. The studies are guided by the policies set out in the EEH transport strategy and steered by our local authority partners.?

One of the first stages of the connectivity studies is an in-depth analysis of the issues present in each corridor. As part of this, EEH is inviting interested parties to complete a short survey which is available on the EEH website and will be open until midnight on June 11.

The multimodal studies are being co-designed with local authorities along each corridor. They are expected to conclude in late 2023/ early 2024, when a report will be published setting out the connectivity opportunities and needs in each corridor. The package of interventions identified will form a key part of our investment pipeline for the region.

EEH’s first two connectivity studies, Oxford-Milton Keynes and Peterborough-Northampton-Oxford completed in December 2022. They included measures to improve inter-urban bus and cycle connectivity, maximise opportunities from East West Rail and improve safety and resilience on strategically important roads.

A third connectivity study covering Swindon-Didcot-Oxford is anticipated to complete this summer. The final study, Luton-Bedford-North Northants, will commence later this year.

Click here to take part

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Save the date!

Date and venue for EEH conference announced

We’re delighted to announce that this year’s EEH annual conference will be held on 1 November at Cambridge Guildhall.

The event will bring together local authority leaders, officials, civil servants, academia, industry and business at one of city’s landmark venues. The programme is still under development, but promises to provide thought-provoking content, audience interaction and tangible learning opportunities, alongside showcasing the great work of our local authority partners and updating attendees on major infrastructure schemes and EEH work. Making a return this year will also be a number of ‘parallel sessions’ – giving delegates real choice over which content they’d like to be part of.

Last year’s conference in Milton Keynes was our most successful yet, attracting over 200 delegates and very positive survey feedback.

More information on how to register to attend will follow shortly – but for now please put the date in your diary!

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STB Conference

Sub-national transport body conference is just a month away!

Following last year's highly successful inaugural Sub-national Transport Body Conference, the event returns on 5 June at the Vox, Birmingham.

The conference is a collaboration between all seven of England's sub-national transport bodies and showcases their work to realise a transport system which boosts economic growth while achieving net zero.

A diverse range of speakers from across the STBs, government and its agencies, organisations and the private sector have been lined up to speak.

The programme includes sessions themed around National Highways, Great British Railways, delivering in a constrained world and international gateways. New for this year will be a number of parallel sessions - with EEH set to lead discussions on transport decarbonisation and the common appraisal framework, while other STBs lead on topics including rural connectivity, freight and transport-related exclusion.

Register here!

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Expert bus advice now on EEH website

Expert-led guidance and advice on all aspects of planning for and managing a local bus network, across a variety of formats such as webinars, one-to-one support, technical notes and toolkits, has been published on EEH’s website.

The advice has been made possible after England’s Economic Heartland, Transport East and Transport for the South East were awarded £300,000 of funding from the Department for Transport to support local transport authorities with the delivery of their Bus Service Improvement Plans (BSIPs) and Enhanced Partnerships (EPs), regardless of whether they had received BSIP funding.

All the materials produced for the support programme are now available on the EEH website.

View the support programme here

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EEH managing director appears before Transport Committee

On Wednesday 29 March Naomi Green, England's Economic Heartland's managing director appeared in front of the Transport Committee.

Alongside Maria Machancoses from Midland's Connect and Darren Oldham from Transport for the North, Naomi gave evidence on the importance of the strategic road network and the need for investment in the region.

To view the discussion click here

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EEH mobility hub work garners international interest

EEH colleagues were delighted to speak at the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe’s Sustainable Transport Division on our mobility hubs guidance and unlocking opportunities from East West Rail.

The guidance, produced with support from CoMoUK and which has a particular focus on rural areas, can be read?here.

Regional News

Buckinghamshire Council uses emergency powers to fix roads

Buckinghamshire Council is using emergency powers to fast-track essential road repairs as it continues to tackle head on the current state of the roads under the Buckinghamshire Highways contract.

Given the adverse impact of the winter weather on the condition of the roads, which is an issue experienced across the country, the council will be using its emergency powers, alongside the flexibility of the new highway contracts, to fast track a number of essential road repairs.

The normal period of advance notice to residents will not always be possible, but the council believes that undertaking the road repairs are the most important issue at this time and will endeavour to advise local communities and businesses in the immediate vicinity via letter drops

Click here to read more

Other news of interest

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National News and Views

Jo Shanmugalingam appointed as new Second Permanent Secretary at DfT

The Department for Transport (DfT) has announced that Jo Shanmugalingam has been appointed as the new Second Permanent Secretary at DfT. She is currently a Director General at the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) and brings significant experience from across government departments.

Appointed following an open competition, the Second Permanent Secretary will provide leadership of a number of high-profile areas across DfT, including decarbonising transport, and will start formally at the end of May.

On Jo's appointment Mark Harper, Transport Secretary said:

'I am delighted to be welcoming Jo, who brings a wealth of experience from across government departments. I look forward to working with her to improve transport right across the country, including leading on delivering some of our top ambitions like decarbonisation and levelling up.'

More news of interest:

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Have a job opportunity you would like to promote?

Job opportunities in the Heartland.

Team Leader Works Delivery, Bedford Borough Council, Closing: 15/05/23

Corporate Director Planning Growth & Sustainability, Buckinghamshire Council, Closing: 21/05/23

Business Strategy Officer (Highways & Technical Services), Buckinghamshire Council, Closing: 21/05/23

Sustainable Transport Strategy & Programme Manager, Hertfordshire County Council, Closing: 23/05/23

Engineer (Road Agreements), Oxfordshire County Council, Closing: TBC

Highway Agreements Engineer, Central Bedfordshire Council, Closing: TBC

To keep updated with job opportunities and careers in transport view our dedicated website page.

If you're an EEH partner and have a job opportunity you'd like to share through this newsletter, please contact Erin Pitcher: [email protected]

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BOOK NOW: LGA Annual Conference

Book now to attend the biggest event in the local government calendar, the LGA Annual Conference. Held in Bournemouth on 4 -6 July, the conference promises to showcase a range of expert speakers discussing the latest issues affecting communities. Plus the inspiring Innovation Zone, a creative space within the LGA Annual Conference which hosts a variety of sessions and panel discussions where councils showcase new ideas and solutions to some of the biggest challenges facing local government.

Click here to register now!

Dates for your diary:

MAY 2023

May 9-11: Railtex, Birmingham

May 10-11: ITT Hub, Farnborough

May 16-18: UK's Real Estate Investment and Infrastructure Forum (UKREiiF), Leeds

May 17: Mobility Hubs 2023

JUNE 2023

June 5: Sub-national transport body conference, Birmingham

June 21-22: Rail Live, Warwickshire

JULY 2023

July 4 -6: Local Government Association Confernce Conference LGA Annual Conference 2023, Bournemouth

July 5: Building the Hydrogen Economy Conference Building the Hydrogen Economy 2023, London

July 5 - 6: Cycle County Active County Conference, Oxford

July 6: Rolling Stock Networking Conference, London

July 11-12: UK Light Rail Conference Conference UK Light Rail Conference


September 9: Tomorrow's Net Zero Conference 2023, Birmingham

September 23-26: Liberal Democrat Party Conference, Bournemouth

September 29: TransCityRail South, London

September 29: England's Economic Heartland Strategic Transport Leadership Board (virtual)

For 2023 in full see our diary dates webpage

If you would like your event listed please contact Erin Pitcher: [email protected]

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