Calling SMEs: Cut tax through capital allowance
Now more than ever, how an organisation approaches funding can determine its future. SMEs account for 99% of all UK business (according to GOV.UK) and are crucial to the economy as key drivers of productivity and economic growth.
Upon examination by the Bank of England, a third of SMEs showed debt levels more than 10 times their cash balance. Unsurprisingly, businesses’ cash reserves are considerably lower than witnessed prior to the pandemic across a range of sectors.
As the government’s Recovery Loan Scheme (RLS) and CBILs loans are coming to an end, businesses are contemplating alternative options to finance their growth, seeking longer-term and more affordable funding arrangements.
Let’s cut to the chase. How can you cut tax?
Fortunately, options for borrowing are increasing. Your business could cut taxes through the following capital allowance measures on qualifying plant and machinery assets.
The Super-Deduction
130% First-Year Relief
From 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2023, companies are able to claim a 130% super-deduction on any qualifying assets that would usually only qualify for 18% tax relief. This enables companies of all sizes to cut their tax bill by up to 25p for every £1 they invest (as long as they are paying corporation tax). This can be applied to all kinds of new and unused assets, from fleets of vans and lorries to lift trucks for a warehouse or even audio equipment for a recording studio.
The First-Year Allowance
50% Relief
Like the super-deduction, the special rate first year allowance (FYA) temporarily offers relief from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2023 for assets that would usually qualify for the special rate of 6% tax relief, including integral features in a building and long life assets.
Annual Investment Allowance (AIA)
100% Relief
Lastly, the AIA is a 100% capital allowance for qualifying expenditure on plant and machinery up to a specified annual limit. The annual investment allowance (AIA) lets a business deduct 100% of the cost of qualifying plant and machinery assets from their taxable profit, in the tax year of purchase. It means a business can save £1 in taxable profits for every £1 spent, up to a maximum of £1m per tax year.
It’s all about growth
The super-deduction is the biggest two year business tax cut in modern British history and certainly appears to be the most attractive tax incentive for business investment ever offered by the government to encourage growth.
Across the market, businesses are seeking finance to grow rather than to simply stay afloat. For SMEs to thrive in a post-COVID world, funding needs to be flexible. This is what Charles & Dean pride ourselves in; flexible funding tailored to unique circumstances. Get in touch now to discuss options for your business.
Sources: GOV.UK >,4.2%20million%20had%20no%20employees, NACFB >