Calling out Sunstone Organics for abusing Organic stamps.
We are all aware of that company Sunstone Organics. We all have seen the A signs outside Ma and Pa stores selling "Organic" products? What?!!! This is very illegal and should become a serious problem with the State of Oregon if you ask me. The State of Oregon is responsible for monitoring false claims like this. We need to demand that Sunstone Organics NOT be called Sunstone Organics and here's why we feel they should repay and be liable to testifying in a class-action lawsuit from all Oregonians who have used or even seen their false claims signs.
Organic is a seriously controlled word and Topic. We will begin by stating it cost Organic Farmers a minimum of $10,000 per year to purchase and maintain their ORganic Credentials. We will be hosting a podcast talking with some local Oregonians who are Actually Certified Organic Hemp farmers here in OR (Itunes and Spotify see or Coming next week stay tuned.
In the meantime, I would like to talk about all of the rigorous laws that are required to follow to become certified first and then maintain it later on. Please forgive me if I leave something out but from my understanding the rules are very strict when it comes to Organic.
Seed sources must be verified and compliant with USDA laws first. This is impossible to do with Kratom. Secondly, they must track all nutrients and how much foliage is cut along with every time it is watered, to tracking what nutrients go into each plant individually. Tracking extensively from seed to scale everyone and thing that has touched or manipulated, processed, and packaged. Everything must be in precise conditions as far as the final results being ZERO HEAVY METALS. This is also impossible to do with Kratom currently sourced in leaded fuel environments... Organic is not a word that should EVER be used with Kratom at this point. We thought about using Advanced Bio Organics but it was untruthful and morally degrading to Certified Organic Farmers. Sunstone Organics knows this and has been told this most likely from concerned Certifed Organic Farmers. This needs to be considered when people choose to support a company that lies about the heavy metal toxicity that can occur and never ever cuts customers off from what they are abusing if abuse is occurring. Meaning they are not monitoring anyone and the stores they sell to don't even know what they are selling the majority of the time. They rely on the customer to know what it is they are buying. The customer sees the word Organic and thinks it's safe. We trust these companies to treat us how they wish to be treated yet demolish the word Organic. Their claims probably being: "We don't use the word Certified" Well Ok, the people still see Organic and think you have paid for the certification to call it such. Sadly, Sunstone Organics also admits to having salmonella problems but did not report they had been recalled because of it. Telling only part of the truth as they do with their products in my opinion. These vendors who claim to "Help" Are doing nothing more than hurting by poisoning their customers with heavy metals knowingly and choosing not to educate about what Kratom is and does based on the marketing ploys they are consistently choosing to use, knowing they are false. These companies claiming to want more from regulations will be the first ones to not follow through with compliance and have to change names every year like Worldwide Distribution aka Triangle Pharmanaturals (google: FDA salmonella recall 2017 Tigard, OR).
We are the only company that has furthered our relationships with Local state Senators. Certifed ourselves as Recovery Mentors through Oregon Health Authority. Created the clinical Protocols and are the first to introduce these Protocols to the state this year at Peerpocalypse 2021. Peerpocalypse granted a Scholarship to present this amazing herb (in the most professional manner) to mainstream addiction and recovery medicine/service providers. Check out more on our website at visit the 3Rx workshop page and our blog for pertinent information. regarding the clinical use of Mitragyna speciosa. (Visit this Youtube link: for video demo about Peerpocalypse)
Transparency about this plant is our most common goal. Education must be provided and we are the providers of such information based on published works, experience with development, and understanding of the social and actual science vs. selling points that are fictitiously spread as truth.
The Oregonian article published this week talks down on Kratom extracts when in reality Powders are the most harmful product in the market ( Calling something that latent with heavy metal and admitting they have salmonella traces is uncanny! (see Oregonian Article )
We should ask ourselves as health-aware Oregonians, why would anyone ever buy from a vendor who chooses profit over truth? Why would we buy from a vendor who purchases whatever they get in their hands? Why buy from an Organic label that is the farthest thing on earth from Organic? Why would someone claim to want to help and not? Sounds like THC all over again... The reoccurring theme within Kratom vendors being that they all want to help but follow-through is always (usually) lacking. We ( are the sole providers of the safest Kratom powder and Kratom extract products (hands down, no question). How come? We know our farms, we know how they harvest, what they use, and how they dry especially. We use Gamma Wave processing which cost extra but it's all worth the safety. We are licensed by the state as Addiction and Peer mentors, Public speakers/advocates (on our own dime on & our companies time) published authors spending our time, energy, and credibility to represent this product to its full potential rather than subject it to settling into a food group...
Kratom is not a food based on its active ingredients and this ingredient 7-hydroxymitragynine needs most regulation. (7-hydroxymitragynine is the euphoric alkaloid in Kratom leaf and Kratom extracts. Mitragynine is the most prevalent alkaloid at over 98% average active ingredient in all Kratom products. [Users are using Mitragynine and maybe .002% 7-HMG per dose.] Mitragynine's purpose is for increased energy and focus feeling) Very controversial if a trained chemist decides to isolate this... The professionals are not the vendors they are the chemists. The chemist who Organically understand the science behind this herb are whom my teachers are. Responsible adults with degrees and family. I also learned from others' mistakes (See: How to spot a bad vendor: Triangle Pharmanaturals FDA recall 2017 in Leaf of Luxury Kratom Myth Vs. Fact) and vowed to be the change this industry needs. Battling our way the entire time against the current of unwanted truth and censorship regarding this miraculous life-changing herb that grows on a tree in the tropics.
There are many many stones we have not turned and hope to shed more light on the mainstream medical, recovery, and pain management sectors. We need more support and in doing so together with your testimony and our companies products we all shall become (the only) and most professional representation of this Herb Kratom. Bringing precise and proper medical education and protocols to mainstream medicine and recovery. With people like Sunstone Organics choosing to seek financial gain (also: see American Kratom Authority chapter in my Book Leaf of Luxury Kratom Myth Vs. Fact. or this article rather than helping well, we will only go as far as those so-called "leaders" wish us to go... Until then it' just pushing for a healthier and transparent future.
We must start respecting all Certified Organic Farmers a tad more for their seriously hard and expensive efforts. Please, all, we must reach out and demand from Oregon District leaders to please cease and desist Sunstone Organics in accordance to they are misleading about being Organic.
Organic is an ethical boundary we Oregonians take very seriously. We hope that everyone Boycott Susnstone Organics and sticks with us based on our heavy metal-free capacity and nonbiased education we provide regarding marketing ploys vs truth. All talked about in the book Kratom Myth Vs. Fact.
Also in the Bible, you will know them by their fruit Matthew 7:15-20. Actions speak in this small Oregonian Community and Sunstone Organics (in my book) has burned a huge bridge that's impossible to recover from at this point. Names are what summon our thoughts to think of something as pure. Organic is the supreme word that sets our standards a bit higher.