Calling in the Light
Catherine Carrigan
Medical Intuitive Healer + Amazon No. 1 Bestselling Author + Host, The Natural Healing Show for UK Health Radio
“You are not one you are a thousand. Just light your lantern.” Rumi
Recently when I tune into my soul, I find that all I really want to do is lie in my hammock every morning.
Here I am now, writing to you.
I love lying in my hammock in the mornings.
It’s not so hot. The Georgia heat hasn’t gotten totally out of hand.
I can listen to the birds.
My mind can drift in and out of conscious awareness, even back to sleep if necessary.
I read my book of prayers.
I write in my journal.
There is no one calling on the phone quite just yet.
The sunlight filters through the trees and I feel deeply nurtured.
Sometimes your soul yearns to climb a mountain, to right a wrong, to fulfill a need, to find your life purpose.
And sometimes you yearn just to be in the sunlight.
Yesterday I found myself working with a client in Australia.
“You are a light worker,” I said to him, stating the obvious.
“Just as an athlete who works out very hard might need more calories, you use a lot of light in your work and you need to call in the light for your soul.”
I have not just one but two therapeutic light boxes in my office.
I got the first one from years ago after it rained for 10 consecutive days one winter.
I found myself asking, “Well what would you advise a client to do?” Soon enough I clicked the buy button.
When I go to the room where I do my distant healing work, I turn on the overhead light and then I switch on my light therapy device.
All was going well with my light box until a few years ago when I thought it had broken.
Not being very mechanically inclined, I thought after 4 years it might have died and ordered a second one.
A friend came over a few days later and showed me that the electric socket I had been using had simply stopped working.
So I ended up with not just one but two therapeutic light boxes – one next to my desk and one in my distant healing room.
My healing room where I work with clients in person is not only full of orchids but has floor to ceiling south facing windows along with skylights that open up to the trees, blue sky, birds, clouds and wonder of my outdoor garden.
Every day I go to work I am literally bathed in light.
As I do medical intuitive readings these days I find many people whose auras are surrounded by darkness.
I see the person and all around them is blackness.
And it isn’t just a personal darkness many of us are facing.
As a society we are cloaked by the darkness of coronavirus, the bleakness of racism, the abyss of political division and economic downturn.
This is truly a time when many of us are quite literally experiencing a dark night of the soul.
As I’ve written about recently, over one-third of U.S. adults are currently experiencing clinical levels of anxiety and depression.
Research shows 11 percent of U.S. adults have contemplated suicide.
It is truly time for all of us to call in the light.
We know that adequate sunlight is a natural healing remedy for seasonal affective disorder.
When I do my healing work, I frequently use this affirmation:
Whether you simply sit in the sunlight or call in the light of Universal God Source, realize that light is one of the most powerful, free natural healing remedies that nurtures you all the way to the level of your soul.
What is healing? Healing happens when you call in the light.
To set up an appointment for a medical intuitive reading or healing work, please email catherine@catherinecarrigan or call 678-612-8816. If you are calling internationally, please call me at the same number through WhatsApp so I can return your call toll free!
Coronavirus Survival Resources
Right now the environment we are all living in has changed due to the coronavirus pandemic. We have to consider how this larger situation is affecting us mind, body and spirit.
I’ve been searching around for ways to help everyone get through the Coronavirus, an illness known to attack the respiratory system, hinder breathing and adversely affect people’s lungs both during and after the virus.
You can learn how to clear loneliness by using the healing technique I describe at this link.
Discover how healing soul wounds empowers you to clear grief. Read the article at this link.
Learn how to overcome fear by connecting to the power within. Learn how by reading this article.
I explained how to take your power back from the fear pandemic. You can read the article I wrote at this link.
To cultivate the feeling of contentment no matter what your life circumstances, read the article I wrote at this link.
I wrote an article and did an interview about how empaths and highly sensitive people can survive coronavirus that you can read at this link.
I wrote an article explaining why it’s crucial for you to get out of survival mode so that you can think clearly and move forward at this link.
We added an extra Saturday morning 10 a.m. yoga class on Zoom. You can find out about joining us at the link.
I discussed how to stay out of overwhelm during the coronavirus pandemic at this link.
I wrote about the healing power of rest at this link.
Discover how to cope with the loneliness of social distancing during the coronavirus by reading this article.
Read a message from the orchid world at this link.
Turn to Mushti Mudra to release emotional stress when you don’t think you can handle any more anxiety, depression or loneliness. Find out by reading this blog.
I wrote a blog and created a video “How You Can Balance Your Lung Meridian” to read and watch at this link.
I explained “How to Clear Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)” at this link.
I published “24 Ways to Boost Your Immune System Naturally Right Now” that you can read at this link.
I wrote a blog with directions and a video for Linga Mudra, a hand mudra you can use anytime, anywhere to boost your immune system. You can read that here.
I pondered the metaphysical meaning of the Corona virus. You can read that article at this link.
And above all I know how profound the breathing exercises in The Little Book of Breathwork can be.
I wrote the book and produced a series of FREE videos of these exercises because I know you can usually cut your anxiety in half in a mere eight minutes. That’s why I called the breath work routine “Eight Minutes to Inner Peace.”
When it’s 2 a.m. and you can’t call your best friend, you can practice the breathing exercises, affirmations and hand mudras to feel better.
When you’re experiencing shortness of breath, anxiety, high blood pressure or don’t know what else to do to make yourself feel better, these are simple tools you can turn to for FREE.
If you are sick with Coronavirus and notice yourself having trouble breathing, you can turn to these breathing exercises, hand mudras and affirmations to redirect your chi and hopefully open up your airways.
To join us for yoga and qi gong classes via video conference right now, email [email protected] or call 678-612-8816 to receive the code. Yoga classes meet via on Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:30 to 9 p.m. EST and Thursdays 11 a.m. to meet via on Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:30 to 9 p.m. EST and Thursdays 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. EST. Qi gong meets on Wednesdays at 4:30 p.m. EST. Saturday mornings 10 a.m.