Calling in Joy!
I saw it! I felt it! I grokked it! Thank you Universe :-).
This morning I took my jumpy puppy Zara for a walk - and in my head I was also asking myself and the universe what kind of a marketing campaign I should use for my next offering. The offering is a 12 week online bootcamp to coach students on how they can transform their own experience with exams. I was wondering if the marketing campaign should focus on (a) my story behind why I created this offering, (b) the value it will create for the student, or (c) my credentials and expertise in this space and why I believe I am uniquely qualified to create this offering. I could focus on all of them but who has the time and attention these days to take in such a complex message. So as I walked I was asking the universe for suggestions.
I then turned around the corner into my street and I saw it! 10 year old Amy was walking out of her house with a pile of 4 or 5 textbooks. Her parents were walking ahead of her and she was dragging her feet and following them. Then suddenly her eyes fell on Zara - with eyes lit up and brightness shining from every pore of her being, her mouth open in amazement, she stood there transfixed to the earth in joy and wonder. Zara, has an amazing way of standing on her two hind legs and greeting people with waggy tail and perky jumps and Amy just stood there embodying all that joy that she felt in the puppy greeting her. I saw her standing there - books in hand and out of this world happiness lighting up her face! I got it! This was the universe answering me. This is my message, this is my mission, indeed this is what I want to see in the world. I was not carrying my phone so I could not capture the image but it is pasted in my head forever. This is the image the universe gifted to me this morning.
I desire to see sweet beautiful children like Amy, with joy written all over their face and study books in their hands. Children studying happily and in the state of flow for the exams that are around the corner. Excited and aroused students - confident and eager, walking into an exam hall - ready to test their own mettle and level of preparation. Exams can be so much fun! I know it because this has been my own quirky reality with exams all my life. Now I want to play my role in unfolding that possibility for all others who are willing to have it.
To know more about my upcoming program on Enjoying Exams and to register for it visit
Have a lovely day!