Calling drone photographers in Perth!
Seeking Drone Photography to Construct a Bird’s Eye View of Mosman Park
The Town of Mosman Park invites those with a passion for #drone #photography to submit images for inclusion in their 2019 Community Calendar entitled “Mosman Park – A Bird’s Eye View.”
Mayor of Mosman Park, Brett Pollock said: “Our Town boasts so many stunning locations, and drone photography is very fashionable and an exciting way to capture images of Mossie, so we want to combine the two and develop a visual portrait of our Town that residents can explore throughout next year.”
He said the 2018 Community Calendar had been extremely popular with residents, featuring the dogs of Mosman Park, and the Town is keen to build on the excitement that residents have each year in getting their calendar by showcasing content that is fresh, local and evocative. (An example of the kind of image sought as shown above was taken by Justus Rehn @pinesandpalmtrees on Instagram)
“We are hoping to capture the Town from above, at all times of day and in all conditions and weather to build a sophisticated snapshot of this special place that so many people choose to call their home.”
Submissions are now open and will be accepted until the end of August and Mayor Pollock said he looked forward to viewing the entries as they come in.
Photographers are invited to submit high resolution aerial images of Mosman Park (being careful to comply with rules and legislation governing drone photography in Western Australia) focusing on the Town’s beach, riverfront, parks and open spaces (rather than private homes).
He said the Town would share the entries via social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) and invites residents and the general public to vote on which images should be included. Submissions would not be paid, but each photographer’s work would be credited and their details shared with the community with full attribution, thereby providing an opportunity to share their work with thousands of new fans who have a strong connection to the locations featured in the images.
For more information on how to submit, please contact the Town’s Communications Officer by email to [email protected]