Calling all Road Authorities: Nominations now open for 2024 Gary Liddle Memorial Award
Nominations open: For Best Performing Road Authority/s Eliminating High-risk Roads
Calling road authorities! Nominations are now open for the 2024 Gary Liddle Memorial Trophy recognising the world’s best performing road authority/s using the iRAP methodology and/or tools to make their roads safer and communities more liveable.
Nominations are invited by 31 October from any national, state or local road authority, and will be judged on the criteria of leadership, relevance, timeline, impact, innovation, collaboration, sustainability and transferability.
The award winner will be announced at the 4th Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety to be held from 17-20 February in Marrakech, Morocco.
The prestigious and perpetual iRAP Trophy honours the lifelong public-sector and transport contribution of iRAP’s former Board Chairman Gary Liddle AO who passed away in 2023.
It was presented for the first time at the XXVIth PIARC World Roads Congress in Prague last year, awarded to Brazil’s National Department of Transport Infrastructure (DNIT), along with three other finalists – Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR), Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) and Croatian Roads Ltd.
iRAP CEO Rob McInerney said, “Road authorities across the world are making a life-saving impact in their communities through mobilised public and private-sector investment informed by iRAP assessments and 3-star or better policy leadership. Their agency activities and innovation are world-leading and this Award celebrates their efforts in honour of Gary, a deeply respected transport industry leader and dearly missed mentor of our charity.”