Learn Python and SAS in 1-day !

Learn Python and SAS in 1-day !

WUSS 2023 Hands-on Workshop (HOW) – Python Programming Masterclass with Comparison to SAS?

I hope you will join me as I teach an in-person hands-on workshop, "Python Programming Masterclass with Comparison to SAS?" at WUSS 2023 in beautiful San Diego, CA on October 30th, 2023. As a general-purpose programming language used by millions of users and developers around the world, Python offers clear syntax, scalability, versatility, and powerful libraries that add tremendous value for anyone to incorporate into their skill sets. Python’s use cases include programming, analytics, data science, web development, web scraping, text processing, image recognition, game development, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and Internet of Things. What seems to be propelling Python’s dominance is that it is relatively easy to learn, consists of a large and growing user community, and is freely available as open source. This workshop / course is designed for beginners who want to learn how to use Python and SAS software, as well as programmers of other languages who want to enhance their skill set and career opportunities by learning Python and SAS software programming techniques.

Course Topics

Course topics include:

  • What is Python used for.
  • How to develop powerful Python applications using Spyder – an Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
  • Essential Python keywords, operators, statements, and expressions to fully understand what you’re coding and why.
  • Understand the building blocks of basic programs, how to use Python as a programming language, and how to debug programs for accuracy and correctness.
  • Introduction to program control flow using statements, conditions, operators, and loops (if, elif, else, in, not in, for, while, step through, break, continue, search).
  • Call and define functions, specify parameters and arguments, and debug with functions.
  • Open, read, and write different data file types (text, CSV, XLSX, SAS7BDAT, JSON, binary, image), process data files, search a file, print data to a text file, and debug a data file.
  • Introduction to strings, determine the length of strings, traverse strings, compare strings, parse strings, slice strings, and format strings.
  • Introduction to lists and tuples, iterate over a list, create a list, add items to a list, sort a list, delete items from a list, and nested lists.
  • Introduction to Dictionaries and Sets, add items to a dictionary and set, change values in a dictionary and set, remove items from a dictionary and set, and construct subsets.
  • Introduction to dates, times, and time zones; and use functions in Python.
  • Introduction to Object-oriented Programming, classes as types, object lifecycle, instances, and inheritance.
  • Construct Python program code to access and open data files, conduct exploratory data analysis, perform data cleaning and data transformation, apply logic with comparison and logical operators, use functions as powerful building blocks, identify the most frequent value in a list, produce descriptive statistics, create subsets, sort data, append / concatenate data, transpose data structures, merge / join data, create output files, and produce reports.

Course Date:

Monday, October 30, 2023

Training Location:

Manchester Grand Hyatt, One Market Place, San Diego, CA 92101 USA.

Intended Audience:

Programmers, Data Analysts, Data Scientists, Statisticians, and Others wanting to learn Python and SAS programming techniques.


No previous Python or SAS programming experience required.

Delivery Method:

Instructor-led with Python and SAS code examples.

Course Length:

8 Hours (8:00 AM – 5:00 PM with 1 hour for Lunch).

To Register, click the link, below.

For registration information about this workshop / course as well as other workshops being offered at the WUSS 2023 conference and education forum, please visit:

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