Calling all North American screen printers

Calling all North American screen printers

Trade shows like #PrintingUnited represent a unique opportunity for manufacturers like FIMOR to meet and discuss with screen printers, our end-users/customers. This should be the first major North American event in a while for our community and we really want to hear from you:

How are you doing in this market? What are the trends in specialty printing ? Is #screenprinting growing or are you betting on digital ? Maybe both? Are you still printing thick layers of plastisol ink on T-shirts or is the market going water based? Is direct, #screenprinting on glass picking up over plastics because of environmental or material availability issues? Is industrial printing growing with “onshoring”?

As your favorite squeegee manufacturer, understanding your needs helps us bring you a product that works best for you. Brigitte, Evelia and I will be waiting for your visit at booth C-7532. October 19-21, 2022 in Las Vegas, “City of Lights” (second to Paris). Register here:

Cannot make it to this year's exhibition? We would still be happy to hear your comments on screen printing trends for 2023!


