Calling all MARINES & their FAMILIES!!
Jane Babcock
Veterans & Widow(or)s Benefits Educator, volunteer; VA healthcare, compensation, wartime pension, widow(er) benefits, chemical exposure diseases,... sharing tools, 1-on-1 calls, classes, media appearances/consulting.
Were you, or your veteran, on Camp LeJeune/MCAS New River between Aug 1953 - Dec 1987? Do you/they/family members suffer(ed) from the following conditions? If you/they/or the family member is/has dealt with other cancers or major health conditions, such as Anemia,... please file a claim. Expect VA to deny but this way VA sees the numbers.
ALWAYS work with an Accredited VSO Rep near you, they are veterans trained in the VA regulations regarding claims and evidence needed. Link is below the list. VSO Rep's are paid by their local government, tribe, or organizations, so do not charge for services.
The following is copied directly from the VA website:
Veterans who served at Camp Lejeune or MCAS New River for at least 30 cumulative days (NG & Reserve) from August 1953 through December 1987—and their family members—can get health care benefits. We may pay you back for your out-of-pocket health care costs that were related to any of these 15 conditions:
Bladder cancer Breast cancer Esophageal cancer Female infertility Hepatic steatosis Kidney cancer Leukemia Lung cancer Miscarriage Multiple myeloma Myelodysplastic syndromes Neurobehavioral effects Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma Renal toxicity Scleroderma
Nation VSO Rep listing:
Wisconsin: Packer - Aaron Jones PSA