CALLforEurope Magazine (7th November) is out today - get the full list of open EU Calls for the next 6 months!
Call4 Europe
Your Weekly Magazine on All European Calls for Grants, Projects and Opportunities
?????? Hello dear Followers, ??????
???CALLforEUROPE WEEKLY MAGAZINE?(7th of November 2021) is out today!
?? In the 7th November 2021 edition, our weekly monitor reached?348 new calls?recently opened by European Institutions and Agencies.
This week we monitored a call under Erasmus+ programme for promoting virtual exchanges on vocational training and educations issues; new calls from the European Research Council promoting research issues among citizens. We then monitored Horizon Europe calls on climate change issues and on strategic use of the European satellite and Copernicus system.
Besides, a lot of new calls have been recently issued under Horizon Europe Programme. We included all of them in our general list, promising to examine in our Synopses in the next weeks.
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