This is called the “Take Your Friggin’ Power Back” Mediation And Business Hour” Conference Call.

This is called the “Take Your Friggin’ Power Back” Mediation And Business Hour” Conference Call.

These are the craziest of times. But, from my 25 plus years of experience, I know too that this may be the exact time to contemplate expansion.


  • How far can my business go?
  • What should I really be doing in my career?
  • Why do I feel so stuck?
  • What are my real strengths?
  • What are my next steps?

I get to work with some of the most intricate and volatile global circumstances figuring out the “unfigureoutable.” See my cases here

I know this is a time for an “opportunity for growth” and expansion. 

Or, if you let it, it may become a time that the chemistry in your body will have its way with you by keeping you in the same old pattern, creating the same set of circumstances which will is exasperated due to the extenuating circumstances.

The one thing I know I MUST do is DO something with all the adrenaline coursing through my body.

The best way I know to propel that energy is to work-out and help you. 

Here are my thoughts.

  1. Monday through Friday, I’m holding a FREE one-hour conference call in the morning from 9 am to 10 am PST. I will answer questions and see what else I may be able to help you with. Call in number (425) 535-9015 . Be sure to arrive on time we will start with a meditation at the top of the hour. It’s one I’ve taught for years, to companies such as John Aaroe Prudential Real Estate and so on. If you are not able to make the meditation, don’t hesitate to join when you are available.

When I am interviewed on the radio, such as stations such as WBAI in NYC or KPFK 90.7 out of Los Angeles – we take callers and I get to help people “by doing what I do.”

What exactly “do I do?’ you may listen to this short interview here to learn more or I will tell you now.

I have an uncanny inherited ability to help people identify what may have them stuck in business, turn things around and develop them to the next level.

Or your business is thriving but not sure what or how to create what’s next – this in my area of expertise as well. You may view endorsements here

  • evaluate you/your business/project;
  • sees and pinpoint blocks;
  • as a Futurist, I have the know-how to catapult your business to the next level.
  • Gain solutions to seemingly unsolvable business questions.

Next, I am starting my workshop titled "Oh, hell! How Did I get here? And What Do I Need To Do To Clean This Up and Prosper Now!"

Seems appropriate for this time in the world.

Starts next Saturday, from 9 am – 11am PST, AND I will hold one on Sunday’s as well from 4 - 6 pm PST. Choose one or the other. It’s an 8-week workshop.

I usually charge $1350.00 for this workshop. But, I want to make it affordable for everyone so it’s, $350.00 for the eight weeks.

To be paid prior to the workshop. Email me [email protected] for more info and you may learn more about it here  

Over the years, people who've participated in this workshop have had a tremendous amount of success.

If you have a financial issue, let me know.

Please email me back, let me know what you need right now and how I can help you.

Look forward to connecting soon!



Monique Guild 


Turnaround and Development Strategist 

Expert in Global Partnerships

Founder and Creator of the Intuitive Goal?



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