Called to be Faithful
Colonel Dr James N Phillips Jr., LT, SC, USN Ret
Founder - Remember Veteran Grave Markers, Inc., Navy Veteran, Kentucky Colonel, The Contracting Guy, Chevalier SMOTJ, Brand Ambassador, Son of Confederate Veteran, Son of American Revolution, Social Media Influencer
I occasionally hear that Christians are called to be holy, and on its face, it appeals to our personal piety. Yet that is not what we are called to be, we are actually called to be faithful. Let me explain.
To be holy demands actions on our part to 'be' something which our nature isn't, as holiness is supernatural. Faithfulness however requires only trust, particularly trust in Him who is the Author of TRUST.
Here are some Biblical heroes of faithfulness: Abraham, whose faithfulness was credited to him as righteousness. The Roman Centurion, whose faith saved his servant. Mary Magdalene, whose faith saved her from demons. Peter, whose faithfulness redeemed him with Jesus. Job, for his steadfast faithfulness.
So who didn't make the heroes list; Satan, who was tossed out of Heaven. Adam and Eve are tossed out of the Garden for not trusting God. Judas Iscariot, who lost faith and hope.
There are plenty more, but you get the picture, faithfulness is the driver here.
The Gospels are replete with stories of faithfulness. Faithfulness is the preeminent theme of the Gospels and Christian life.
So what is faithfulness so hard to grasp for us? It demands that we align our will to that of God's Will as revealed in the scriptures and His Church. This alignment can be seen as TRUST. The Three Theological Virtues, Hope, Love, and Faith, are tooted in TRUST. Trust in Him who is the Author of Trust.
As Christians, our Faithfulness is to the one whom we place our TRUST in God.
Finally, Faithfulness is an act of the WILL, it is not pursued, you either are or are not faithful. Rather other good and Godly pursuits demand actions on our part, to be holy one must do holy things, to be charitable one must do charitable things, a pursuit. We can't earn our way to holiness or even heaven, it is a gift, through Grace. It is our faith our motivation and our works that serve as the external evidence to our faith.
Perhaps the greatest summary is one given by St Faustina, when she said, "Jesus, I trust in you" as she described the Divine Mercy of Jesus Christ.