The call waiting!
When we call to any of our service providers like banks or groceries store, We use few contact methods.
1- Call
3- IM
4-ITIL Ticket
6-Security- Identity Management
Customer satisfaction is the key to success. Getting 100% CSAT is not only KRA but Customer advocacy and actual ground work.
Most of us can read from a paper, computer and understand the visuals if they are mpeg or avi. (Strictly for Computer Science engineers)
So our IVR,
should be agile to adopt the changes, correctly direct incase of emergency and provide knowledge as necessary
Run a 10 language supported Service Center and still cover 33 countries, thats agile planning, sharp execution and strong architecture.
Train Lucy and it'll fetch you what you ask for.
Effective communication, Solid but agile planning and backbone to take hard decision is not in all.
What will be your stand as a leader?