Sarat Kumar Jena
Professor of Comparative Literature Folklore South Asian and Slavic Studies Cinema Colonialism Diaspora Ethnography Gender Race. Founder-President International Association of Comparative Literature, Society and Culture
Why not our next volume would be village poetry, poetry of festivals and and rural landscape. Rituals of village temples, engrossed poverty and charm of tillage. Brilliant river sides and coconut gardens, clear ponds and fisheries and domestic animals. Abundant chickens, cows, goats, fowls, buffaloes, narrow village streets, bullock carts, runaway children, sturdy young men and women, and wise aged people. Cold winter nights and ghost stories of grandmother, a performance in the midnight, and untold stories by the village charmer. Vegetables, crops, milk and eggs, and fruits. A village post office, a highschool teacher, few old newspapers, bicycles, radio sets, televisions, motor cycles and village library.
Festivals and wanton floods, and KINDER Gods exist at every village in this world, for everybody we know in the village are molecules of misery and happiness. Agrarian societies and cultures are reared by many natural summons and rustic impressions of historical time.
Submissions of not more than four village poems are to be emailed at [email protected] by 31 MARCH 2016. Then, we declare the publication of HUNDRED LOVE POEMS AROUND THE WORLD and make the anthology available over amazon and other online stores.