Call for speakers for Windward conference and the power of small steps

Call for speakers for Windward conference and the power of small steps

CALL for Speakers:

The 2024 Windward Conference is an EU event exclusively dedicated to advancing maritime technology development, bringing together the leadership responsible for designing acquiring, implementing and operating Maritime platforms. The event will reflect the urgent need to cooperate on the fields of:

Communication??????New Technologies?????Efficiency/Data Transfer???????????????

Environmental/Sustainability?? Obsolescence????????Need for Standardization

We are aiming to have a conference about new technologies in above mentioned topics. I am sure that some of my followers and connections can speak about some of those topics. Don't hesitate to contact me and we can give you a spot at the podium to share your ideas. The whole setup of the conference is to share the knowledge and ideas worth spreading. We can’t obtain sustainability and reduce carbon footprint in one big step. Many small steps and small ideas in many areas will bring us to a new world, which is not polluted, which has low or no carbon footprint and still enough energy to do wonderful things. Why small steps? You may ask. Because small steps get us started. Because small steps add up to big results. ?And because Fortune favors the brave. Contact me at [email protected] . ?


