Call for SC D2 Contributors - JWG B3.D2.62: Life-long Supervision and Management of Substations by Use of Sensors, Mobile Devices and ICT
CIGRE Study Committee D2
CIGRE Study Committee on Information Systems, Telecommunications and Cybersecurity
The goal of JWG B3.D2.62 is to identify present utility needs regarding lifelong supervision and management of substations and analyze and recommend practices for improving them by using modern sensors, mobile devices, and information and communication technologies.
?The evolution of such technologies is impacting and will increasingly shape the way supervision and management of HV-MV and MV-LV substations will be done.
This JWG is convened by Dr. Ing. Nicolaie Fantana from Germany, Life Senior Member IEEE.member CIGRE.
The JWG has members from the USA, CA; CN, IN, DE, JP, SL, PL, DK, NL.
We have started 31. Aug.2022 and aim to finish 2025.
The structure of the TB document is already discussed, and writing is starting. The next meeting is in Germany end of April.
The first section of the TB is about needs and challenges related to lifetime supervision and management of substations with focus on HV-MV and MV-LV substations.? The second section is about sensors, mobile, and ICT technologies that can solve or mitigate the needs and challenges. Section 3 is about data handling over lifetime, data analysis, and processing – see below. Section 4 will describe some example cases from the substation supervision and management such as applications, tests, prototypes, technologies, and lessons learned.
We would invite contributions from Sc D2, especially for the TB section 3 dealing with lifetime data, data models and data analysis, AI use, etc. applicable to substation supervision and management – see subsection titles below. Also welcome is input to the TB? by describing example cases involving data, analysis, and applications related to substations. These example cases are to be described in a “2pages-2figures” subsection.
Development Schedule:
Owner, "SMC Prioritet"
11 个月This year we plan to begin testing methods for determining the state of medium voltage power lines that are integrated into PLC modems that use these lines as a medium for transmitting information. The problem of lack of monitoring leads to a large number of accidents in this segment of electrical distribution networks. Our own developments of modems using OFDMA made it possible to analyze the influence of impulse noise caused by partial discharges in the insulation of power cables using mathematical models, and to begin developing methods for monitoring these processes.