Call for Proposals Receives Overwhelming Response from Researchers Globally, Leading to Extension of Deadline for Paper Submissions
The organising committee of PREMUS, WDPI, & MYOPAIN 2023 is delighted to announce that it has received an overwhelming response from researchers around the globe in response to the call for proposals. Researchers from esteemed institutions in all continents have submitted their papers for the conference, breaking all previous records.
However, the organising committee acknowledges that some researchers may have missed the deadline to submit their papers due to unforeseen circumstances. In recognition of this, the organising committee has decided to extend the deadline by a few weeks to provide the opportunity for researchers to present their work.
We are humbled by the participation and the quality of the submissions we have received, said the chairman of the organising committee, Dr Deepak Sharan.
The chairman has also stated that Researchers have worked hard to produce high-quality papers and deserve every opportunity to present on a global platform of this massive scale and extending the deadline will be worth it.
We understand the importance of giving our fellow researchers the opportunity to present their work, and we are excited to see what they have to share.
With the extension of the deadline, the organising committee, which has already received 180+ scientific papers, expects to receive even more submissions. It is confident that this conference will mark the beginning of a new era of research.
The conference promises to be an exciting platform for researchers to exchange ideas and network with colleagues from around the world.
For more information about the conference, please visit