Call for Presentations for WikiTree Symposium

Call for Presentations for WikiTree Symposium

You are invited to submit proposals for our 24-hour virtual WikiTree Symposium. We will be streaming content from 8am (EDT) November 4th to 8am (EDT) November 5th. We are looking for content on a variety of genealogical topics including but not limited to ethnicity, DNA, topical research, and methodology. Presentations in a language other than English are welcome as well.

Format:?There are two presentation options. One, you can submit a pre-recorded presentation that we will stream on the day of the event. Two, you can give a live presentation via Steamyard or Zoom. Presentations should be 30 minutes or an hour. If you opt for the live presentation, we'll have a live audience via chat, so you may want to consider leaving some time for questions from the crowd.

Handouts:?You are welcome to provide a 2-4 page PDF handout if you would like, however, it is not required. If you choose to include a handout, it will need to be submitted to Eowyn Walker ( by October 15th.

Compensation:?WikiTree and this symposium are both offered free of charge so we do not have an opportunity to offer monetary compensation.

Submission Requirements:?Proposals are due by October 1st and should be submitted to Eowyn Walker ( If you are submitting multiple proposals, please use separate emails for each submission. With your submission, please include:

  • Your name
  • Email address
  • Presentation Title
  • Summary of Presentation (150-300 words)
  • Brief Bio (50-100 words)
  • Headshot photo
  • 2-3 time slots that would work for you (see schedule?here)
  • Optional: If you would like to submit a video proposal we will accept that as well.



