CALL FOR PAPERS Professional Practices in the Built Environment, University of Reading, 27 April 2017
Flora Samuel
Head and Professor of Architecture (1970) University of Cambridge. Research specialisms in social value and planning consultation. Leading on the Public Map Platform and the Cambridge Room.
There is an opportunity for the professions to find a new position for themselves that captures the best of the values of their past, while being relevant to 21st century circumstances and the challenges we face, and valuable to both their members and society (Morrell, 2015).
The nature and value of professional judgment and knowledge is increasingly being called into question as new technologies give access to new ways of working. This conference provides an opportunity for practitioners, academics and students to come together to understand and learn from different models of professionalism across Architecture and the Built Environment, over time and across the globe and to develop research together. The conference is part of the AHRC funded Evidencing and Communicating the Value of Architects project.
Helga Nowotny - Professor emerita of Social Studies of Science, ETH Zurich
Hans Wamelink - Professor of Design and Construction Management, TU Delft
Rob Imrie - Professor of Sociology, Goldsmiths College London
Roger Flanagan - Professor of Construction Management, University of Reading
The following themes are offered as a prompt but papers on any aspect of professional practice, past, present or future are welcome:
Nature of the professions today
Conditions for collaboration
Knowledge sharing and development
Paddy Conaghan - Consultant, Hoare Lee Consulting Engineers
Edward Ng - Professor of Architecture, Chinese University Hong Kong
Frederik Nielsen - Professor of Architectural Theory, Chalmers University Sweden
Doina Petrescu - Architect and co-founder, Atelier d'architecture autoge?re?e
Casey Rutland - Associate Director, Arup Associates
Flora Samuel - Professor of Architecture, University of Reading; RIBA Ambassador for Innovation The?re?se Tierney - Associate Professor, Illinois School of Architecture, USA
Fran Tonkiss - Professor of Sociology and Director of the Cities Programme, LSE
Johan de Walsche - Professor of Architecture, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Hans Wamelink - Professor of Design and Construction Management, TU Delft
Jennifer Whyte - Professor of Systems Integration, Imperial College London
Helen Woolley - Reader in Landscape Architecture and Society, University of Sheffield
Abstracts of no more than 200 words should be submitted to [email protected] by the 16 July 2016. Notification on the outcome of refereeing should be in early October 2016.
Vice President Manchester Society of Architects Owner/Director at Agency PSI Ltd
8 年I have evidence from my work with Manchester Architects and practice business and brand strategy.
Vice President Manchester Society of Architects Owner/Director at Agency PSI Ltd
8 年Hi Flora - shall I submit something about emotion and rationality in decision making by clients and procurers of architect services? The agenda looks a bit too rational to me!
Professor of Sustainability in Architectural Heritage at University of Kent
8 年Flora, this is a brilliant conference theme and highly relevant to engage with the shift that the architectural profession needs to take in order to adapt for sustainable practice, in particular the higher emphasis on evidence-based practice. As part of my current I am looking at the development of environmental practices from a historical perspective, in particular the way scientists in the 19th century were introducing new working practices that architects had to incorporated into their wider design process. Similar to modern practices adapting to the PassivHaus standard 19th century architects had to adopt more collaborative and cross-disciplinary approaches.