CALL FOR PAPERS: Advances in Design Science Research Minitrack
Tuure Tuunanen
Professor of Information Systems, Faculty of Information Technology at University of Jyv?skyl?
CALL FOR PAPERS: Advances in Design Science Research Minitrack (in Organizational Systems and Technology Track)
This minitrack provides a venue for design science researchers (DSR) to share their work and interact with likeminded scholars. DSR is a prominent form of engaged scholarship, which combines inquiry with a potential for action and intervention. DSR may be viewed as having three related subfields, from which we welcome submissions that address:
- Science of design, which focuses on creating ‘new-to-the-world’ artifacts. We try to provide an outlet for researchers doing novel artifact driven research in information systems, but also in other fields such as industrial engineering or service design.
- Design theory studies, which focus on the development of theories about creating new or improved systems based on kernel or grand theories. The design theory concept was first articulated two decades ago and continues to be developed.
- Design Research, which focuses on the study of how designers actually conduct design activities, e.g., science of design research. Papers in this subfield could potentially come not only from IS, but also from architecture and design studies.
This minitrack also welcomes submissions from the entire range of alternatives that deal with the question of integrating inquiry with the potential of creating and shaping alternative futures. Such work extends the boundaries of human and organizational capabilities by theorizing and/or creating new and innovative artifacts. The building and application of these designed artifacts produces knowledge and understanding of a problem domain and its solutions, which is then potentially transferable to other domains. In design science, the engagement is primarily focused on the design and evaluation of an artifact; learning through building with the aim to generate theoretical insights. This is often an iterative research process and sometimes capitalizes on learning via both researcher and subject expertise within the context of the participants’ social system. It can be a clinical method that puts IS researchers in an active supporting role for advanced practice. To this end we also seek implementable and grounded action frames for engaging in such generalizable inquiries.
Accordingly, the scope of this minitrack includes research contributions that arise from all three subfields of DSR described above. This includes engaged approaches, studies of the practical use of DSR approaches, the use of such approaches to expand theory, and conceptual foundations that significantly and cogently expand our understanding of the epistemology and methodology of such approaches and their philosophical underpinnings. These include:
- Developing design artifacts and design theories
- Evaluating and testing design artifacts and design theories
- Different approaches to the design of artifacts and design theorizing
- Design as a creative act in development for systems etc.
- Advancing theory and practice in designing for systems etc.
- Design experiences in organizational systems and technology etc.
Minitrack Co-Chairs:
Tuure Tuunanen (Primary Contact), University of Jyv?skyl?
Richard Baskerville, Georgia State University and Curtin University
Matti Rossi, Aalto University
Important Dates:
June 15 : Paper submission deadline
August 17 : Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
September 22: Deadline for authors to submit final manuscript for publication
October 1: Deadline for at least one author of each paper to register for the conference