"Call for Nominations: College of Performance Management Board (15 Aug - 15 Oct 2024)"
College of Performance Management
Sharing, Promoting, and Advancing the Best of Planning, Control, and Performance Management
Do you have colleagues that would be perfect for service of the College of Performance Management Board (CPM)? Or what about you? Do you have hidden skills, ambitions, ready for a challenge, or need something to round out your profile in the area of leadership?
CPM has these positions for which nominations are open:
1.???? ?Vice President of Standards – Position tracks various standardization efforts of interest to membership, including ISO standards, European Union standards, and others
2.???? Vice President of Digital Presence – Position builds the organizations digital presence including LinkedIn, YouTube, and expanding into other formats.
3.???? President – Position is the leader of the non profit business association, including running monthly board meetings, representing the CPM with other organizations, and guiding the work of the other board members.
If you are ready to nominate, we will verify interest of the candidate. If you are ready to nominate yourself, please send me your interest and a short bio. Send material to Becky Winston at [email protected].
Members will vote for board members in November 2024 with terms starting 1 January 2025.? Terms run for 3 years.? Other board positions are elected in other years.? You can read more about the board in the CPM By-Law at https://mycpm.org/about-us/our-mission/
We currently also have open board positions for:
VP Finance and Membership (term ends in 2025) and VP Conferences (term ends in 2026).? These positions need to be filled because prior board members had to move on.? The current board can appoint these board members at any time.? If you are interested in either of these two board positions, please contact the President, John Driessnack at [email protected]
Note, you must be a member to be a nominator or to be nominated. Please go to https://mycpm.org/ and sign-up. We have various levels of membership, and you can send me an email, if you have questions. [email protected]
Embracing Systems Thinking and Institutional Economics to solve Wicked Problems
7 个月Hard to believe it has been almost three years since I became President of CPM. We have stabilized the organization post covid, we are doing well financially, we are co-sponsoring some big events at Univ of Maryland in April each year and have joined Project Controls EXPO this Oct. If you're looking for a leadership opportunity that gives you exposure to the senior leadership across the industry in performance management across portfolios, programs, and project - this is the spot. I'll be the immediate past president, so I'll be on the board for the next three years to help guide the board. Stop thinking about it and take some action. Put your name in for one of the positions and get involved in your community. The experience and payback is amazing.