They Call Me Supermensch - Shep Gordon Review
?“They Call Me Supermensch” by Shep Gordon, is more than just a book. It’s the key to unlocking some of the most important rules to live by in your endeavor towards a successful career in the music industry. This autobiography of the life of Gordon is further explained in the books title by calling it a backstage pass to the amazing world of film, food and rock and roll. Written in such a relatable, witty and informal manner, Gordon is able to really connect with the reader, and empower them with his stories to take chances and seize opportunities- no matter how little knowledge you may have in the industry. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and learning about the early influential individuals who helped pave the way towards the current state of the music industry.?
Shep Gordon takes us all the way to the beginning of his life, describing his humble beginnings as an indolent and unambitious child that really had no passion for anything. Growing up on Oceanside Long Island, Gordon recounts stories from his early years that have shaped the influential icon he would later become. From the beginning of the novel, he shares family and life stories such as his connection with his father and his hatred for his family dog Skippy that molded him into the versatile and respected mogul that he now is. While these certain moments may be defining, there were many “right time, right place” instances that even Gordon contributes as just getting a little lucky.?
Without very much money, and no particular direction to go in life, Gordon finds himself aimlessly driving towards Hollywood. He decided to spend the night at a hotel called The Landmark Motor Hotel- where luck kicks in. He soon realized that this fleabag of a hotel hosted some of the most soon to be prominent musicians to ever grace the planet. Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, The Chambers Brothers were all either frequent visitors, or residents of the hotel. From that point on, by being the witty and easygoing individual that Shep was, he was able to start forming relationships with these individuals. It was through these early connections and relationships where he was introduced to the amateur band, Alice Cooper, that would then change his life forever.?
That little amateur band, Alice Cooper, would soon become a household name and legends in the Rock and Roll world. Gordon takes us on the journey of kickstarting the career of Alice Cooper through what he explains as mostly trial and error. After reading this book, I think that Gordon highlights some extremely important points that he has learned throughout his career that I feel are crucial to share with aspiring music industry individuals.?
This lesson comes from pg.36 of the text, and really sets the foundation for the rest of the stories that Gordon accounts for. He describes his experiences through school and college to be hogwash, and that “the greatest thing he got out of college wasn’t his education, but rather the friends that he made”. This statement holds incredibly true, as some of his biggest successes came from utilizing the network of people he met while growing up.
2. Create history, instead of waiting for it to happen.
I really value this quote because it is applicable to so many aspects in life. On page 97, Shep Gordon expresses this statement as being his modus operandi. He makes a great example of this statement when he was in his early stages of promoting Alice Cooper, and trying to get him onto a bigger platform. Gordon goes on to say “Once I had a path to my goal, I didn’t let anything or anyone deter me from following it”. If we sit around and take the lazy path in life, we will never be able to accomplish the things that we want to see get done. Create your own history, and be a self-starter.?
3. Get the money, always remember to get the money, never forget to always remember to get the money.
Money is not the only thing of concern when it comes to the music business, but it sure is a great added bonus and a great measure of a job well done. This quote from Gordon is your friendly reminder to always do your best in remembering to always bring home the money for you and your team. From a managers perspective, the idea to keep generating revenue and focus on making your clients money is a very big driving factor. This reminder from Gordon always sticks in my head now to ensure that in whatever capacity I am working in, always remember to get the money.?
4. Never get mad.?
Shep Gordon’s reputation in the industry was built around his character. He was an honest, genuine and kindhearted individual- unlike many others in the music business. His mantra of never getting mad took him very far in his career, and allowed him to build great connections of friendships that he had made. Pg. 196 shares a little more into the mindset of Gordon when he said that he “had to disassociate himself with his emotions, keep a clear ahead and accomplish his goals”. This is the type of behavior that a true driven professional possesses and it showed very clearly as he maneuvered his way through many different avenues in his career.?
5. Give coupons. Create win-wins.
Gordon famously mentions the usage of his coupons throughout the book. On page 8, Gordon introduces the idea of the coupon. “When somebody does me a favor, I feel I am obligated to return the favor. I say they have a coupon with me. They can be redeemed anytime, and that creates a win-win”. I love this mindset that Gordon displays because it is such a genuine approach. Win-win scenarios create long term successes, and I think that by implementing these coupons, you are building stronger connections that might come in handy later on.
They Call Me Supermensch was an incredible read. I really learned a lot throughout the different stories and rise to fame that Gordon and his artists ventured through over the years. I strongly recommend anyone that is looking for a witty, lighthearted and informative read, take the time to look into this book.
Nathaniel Meyerowitz is an MBA student at William Paterson University with a concentration in Music and Entertainment Industries - ranked one of the best music biz schools in America by Billboard Magazine in 2020. Nathaniel is passionate about music and is a member of the New York City GrammyU chapter that works alongside the Recording Academy to network with and foster the next generation of music industry professionals. Nathaniel has some experience in label work and festival operations and loves to play guitar on the side. View Nathaniel's profile and connect with him on LinkedIn, as he is always looking to expand his network.