A Call To Lead, Love and Breakfree of the Strongholds in Your Life
Joshua Tyler Berglan
Award-Winning OmniMedia Producer | Advocate | Visionary | JoshuaTBerglan.com | Stories That Empower
Alright, this is the turned on podcast. My name is David Norrie. I am here today to talk to you about some things that geeze, let's just put it in this way. Angela. Who's not here. She says you better do this. Went on your own. Oh are you ready for this guys and gals? So, Mmm. Today was the last day of a book club that I was in at, with my own book in the last month. Actually every Saturday we've been talking with some gentlemen or I have about my book and this one was the last chapter of the book, which is the chapter on faith.
David Norrie
Turn on your faith. So I knew since it was our last meeting and this was the last chapter and it was the one on faith that it was going to be powerful and I was fired up. And so I said, I'm going to just throw a curve ball at these guys. And I'm just gonna, I'm just going to hit them hard, right from the very beginning. So we, we opened up the book club meeting on zoom. We said a prayer. And my first question was, Hey, how many of you guys have dialed up some pornography in the last couple of weeks or the last couple months?
David Norrie
What or did that come from? That's all right. How many of you guys have dialed up some porn in the last couple months what's going on? And then I showed him, I go, look, if I hit this little, this little hourglass on my Instagram and, and, and just search, look at what search has come up. Half of those things are young girls dancing and bikinis right on Instagram, because we have this form of pornography. That's right there, but people don't see it that way sometimes.
David Norrie
Oh, its just, you know, it's Instagram, it's not triple X rated. No it's not. But its certainly is bring stuff into the homes and to the minds of married men and men and, and that are not supposed to be there. And so the discussion about faith became what our, our Strongholds, because I'll unravel it for you. You know, a strong hold is defined as a generational mindset or a human wounding that you have listened to long enough believe strongly enough and owned deeply enough that it has become part of your identity.
David Norrie
It is four to five itself in You and it dictates your thoughts, beliefs, actions, and reactions. And then it says Proverbs 23, seven for, as he thinks in his heart. So is he, so the strong hold is something, its not just pornography. I'm not going to sit here and talk about that. I'm going to talk about any type of Strongholds anything in your mind, that's holding you back from becoming something that you should be and Hey COVID COVID people on lockdown frustrated, worried about their finances, worried about sickness, worried about everything, worried about violence.
David Norrie
You know what the devil Strongholds is knocking on everybody's door right now is alcohol alcohol. That's a stronghold. So when we talk about this chapter on faith with these guys, look, we have to mention things. And the first thing I asked somebody to do is I had the, I had to read something. It was a verse because this verse save my life. Basically if I could point to one verse, one thing that saved my life.
David Norrie
It's this verse, it's this verse and all the going to tell you why. And I want you. I told them these gentlemen, write it down, put it somewhere where you can see it, read it every day. This month, this verse save my life. Many of you guys know I've out, kicked my coverage, use whatever we're going to a cliche, Erik or whatever cliche you wanna use. David, all kicked is coverage. Cause I found a woman I didn't deserve and I'm not going to get into this whole thing.
David Norrie
But the fact of the matter is she's a good person. I had, I had to check her out a little bit of a checkered past. And despite me finding her and I've told you the story, I came to her and I said, Hey, I'm not going to stop partying. We were engaged. And I said, I'm not going to stop partying. If the little words at the literal words out of my mouth, I could remember them as if they were yesterday, said if I come home at three o'clock in the morning and I get a cab home. When I stumble in, they don't want to hear any of you or you know what?
David Norrie
So the Strongholds she said, you know what? David reverse with me this first save my life. It's the first Corinthians, 13, 11. When I was a child, I talked like a child. I thought like a child. I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood beside me, behind me. I put away the childish things and don't say it again because I had not only heard it from her that changed everything. It like a lightning bolt, like a lightning bolt. This verse hit me in the heart.
David Norrie
When I was a child, I talked like a child. I thought like a child. I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. When I became a man, I put away childish things. I was a 37 year old child and that changed things. And so as I talked to this last chapter, Angela said, you should do this podcast on your own without me solo.
David Norrie
And we dove into some things about pornography. And here's the thing. Most of these guys like me were born a raised Catholic. And so we had to discuss this and I said, guys, if your Catholic U remember the verse that said, if you look at a woman, if you look at a woman in lust, you should you be better off to pluck your eye out? Anybody out there, remember that one growing up Catholic. If you look at a week and it says in the Bible, it's not just the Catholic, but there is no Catholic Bible.
David Norrie
It's the Bible. It says it. But if you look at a woman with lust, pluck your eye out. And so to these men on the screen, I'd go, you know what? We would it be looking at each other here. We all have braille and we be, we'd be blinded. I would say, when did you lose your eyesight? The kid will say, I plucked Mies out when I was 17. How about you? Bryan of 15. How about, how about you Casey? Oh, I was, I was 12. I was early starter. I have to plug my eye's out the first time I felt lost. Look, if we don't have somebody unpack these verses and we don't have somebody telling us about the Bible and were just hearing these things, we don't get it.
David Norrie
We need to Bible church. We need to be fed. The book says with, or without a shepherd, the sheep will scatter. We, we need a Pastor to explain these things and break them down. And so as a man, you know, I started to read and then I read about David here's David. One of the most central figures in the Bible. And you know what David did. He was on his roof one day and he saw this girl and he was lusting her. She was showering on a, on another roof and he was lusting after her.
David Norrie
And he went and he slept with her. He was the King and he impregnated her and he realized this. So he knew she was married. And so what he try to do with trying to devise this plan is to have her husband come home and sleep with her. That way, there was no weird situation where your husband's been gone in, fighting a war for a year and she ends up pregnant. Now we know something's up, it's got a heart. So he invites this guy and he said, Hey, you're such a good soldier. You need to spend some time with your wife, knowing that he had to pregnant at her.
David Norrie
This is David and the Bible. And this guy is such a loyal subject. He's like, no, I can't. I can't do that. And he slept outside David's store. So what David ends up doing eventually is sending this man to the front lines on a suicide mission. He sent this loyal subject is a good man, King David of the Bible's sends this guy two, the frontlines, knowing that its a suicide mission and what happens. Yeah, he dies.
David Norrie
David was a sinner. David was a lustful sinner, but he's known and the Bible as he was a man after God's own heart. So what happens is men and women and everybody, we don't have to be perfect, but we have to know things. And it's the same way. Maybe you're Strongholds this was not just for men. Maybe your strong hold is important or maybe your strong hold is, is alcohol right now. And your justifying. It was just so stressed out.
David Norrie
Just so stressed out from COVID. I'm just so stressed out financially. I need that drink the same way we justify pornography. Well, I'm just so stressed out in so sexually pent up and I've been married for this long. I need pornography because I'm on. If I don't, I'll go crazy. Sometimes you even try and justify pornography. I have to because physiologically, if I don't, if we don't release something, I'm gonna it's physiologically. Not good for me. So you try to justify looking at pornography. That's what the devil does. He tries to let you say, Hey guys, I know it says not to do this in the Bible.
David Norrie
I know your savior doesn't want you to do things. He doesn't want you to do these things, but you know what? Your you're a human and the world's evolving. You need pornography just a little bit. You need to get drunk just a little bit. You need this. Drug's just a little bit. That's a Strongholds that's a, that's a door that he'll open. That's a door that he'll open. And so I don't want this. I don't want this going on in my life.
David Norrie
So what I do is I said, you know, you can't justify a tub tasting because it's There you can't justify it. Bring it to God, bring it to God. We're only human. That's what they do. You know, they don't tell you enough. We're only human But. You have to bring these things to God for help the Holy spirit. I need this in my, I need your help because left to my own devices on a human, I will.
David Norrie
It's the human condition. If we are, we are born into sin. We live in a world that was born into sin without the Holy spirit. Yeah, of course were going to be tempted by the devil. We got no chance. You know? It's like its like the, the bowls with Jordan going up against, you know, a high school team, no chance we need the Holy spirit. We need to ask them for help. So here's what happens.
David Norrie
We get into this part and it's funny because you know Angelica and I we're in fitness, all of our lives and, and here we go, we move to Arizona and we go to a gym and you know, how do you have to go through the riggermerall when you sign up, like, Hey, we just sit down with a trainer and Angelica in our like, Ugh. Like what does a train are going to tell is that we don't know. We been in fitness, our whole lives. I know everything. What is it? A trainer? What am I have to spend a half hour with this trainer?
David Norrie
What is it going to tell is that we don't know that trainer was in there to tell us something about our body's. We don't know. We sat down with that trainer to listen to a half hour about how he could physically train us, having no idea what God had in mind for our spirit. No idea. So Angeles says, Hey look, you know, we've been doing this for so long. Let's just try it. Let's just train with this guy. So we don't have to think about it.
David Norrie
We could just have somebody tell us what do is instead of having to have our own workouts, So reluctantly. I said, okay. So we go twice a week with this trainer and were there for two or three months and sooner or later in my shoulders, our terrible. And I had to get some therapy on my shoulder. So were done with the workout. I go with the therapist. I say, Angeles go get him some protein shakes, got a hit that protein window. Can you go get him some protein shakes? Won't get my shoulder work done. And she says, yes, I look over there.
David Norrie
30 minutes. She is talking to our trainer, starving here. I'm missing my protein window. Look over. There are 15 minutes later. She's still talking to our trainer. What's going on an hour later. I get up and go. Where's my shake baby. Oh, it was talking to our trainer. Okay. What are we talking about? She's like were talking about the Bible. Okay. She was like, I think this guy knows more about the Bible than just about it.
David Norrie
Just about anybody I've ever met our trainer. Huh? Okay. So a couple of weeks go by. Nothing happens. Then one day I said, Hey, could I hear ya know about the, the Bible? He's like, yeah. I studied the Bible pretty well. I'd say, would you be able to do a Bible study with us? You said? Sure. So they meet the next, the next weekend at a coffee shop at, he goes on a Blackboard. He takes a pen, a dry erase marker. And he goes, makes us huge long line. And he says, eternity, you know, creation, Adam and Eve old Testament, Jesus parcels acts revelation eternity on the other side.
David Norrie
Okay. And then he has us all read this verse in a different one verse or different spots throughout the Bible. And the verse was this. After, after we read it, we knew it was the same thing. And it was, do not take or add anything from this book. And he says, do you think that's important? And as kind of this, I call myself a new Christian, but I had been in church my whole life, since that was a baby, but it was just starting to learn the Bible. And so I started to realize that, wow, a lot of these things fit in it's for the first time in my life, someone told me the history of the damn book is that SAC religious.
David Norrie
They said that damn book, forgive me. I'm were going to get into a, into a curse cursing in the second. But umm, I was frustrated. I like this is the first time anybody has told me about the history of the book. Umm, and that there's a, you know, a 40 different authors and there's 66 books over 1500, years' on three different continents. Then this is how it fits in. And this is how prophecy fits in. And this is how antiquity fits in. And now I'm like, this is the real deal.
David Norrie
It changed everything. And, and so that's what, that's what gets me into the section of, of my book on the last chapter on faith that I think you guys need to hear about Umm page two 70, one of my book, Martin Luther a quote says, man, must first cry out that he sees no hope in this disturbance. Salvation began. So right now there's a lot of is crying out. Hey, there's just no hope on a global scale, on a political scale, on a financial scale, on a health and wellness go, there was no hope.
David Norrie
So we cry out to God. So let me ask you a second. Cause what I'm going to tell you now is there's this is on the next page of the book and this is the most important. This is the most important you are ready. I write this. I said, I, I think there are three reasons why people do not read the Bible. The first one is just, they're scared.
David Norrie
That's a lot of scary stuff in there. There's a lot of stuff they're that they know they're not in congruence with right now in their life. Like if I read that its going to be a wakeup call for me and I don't want to read that because I wanna continue doing what I'm doing. Like I want to continue saying the things I say, doing the things I do without any guilt. So I'm kind of scared to read that because I'll have the guilty conscious and be it just some scary stuff. That's the first reason people don't read the Bible. The second reason is they're just lazy. Oh gosh.
David Norrie
You know I got a full time job. I got kids. Are I gotta work out? I don't have time for the Bible. I'm lazy or I don't have time to decipher it. Its confusing to me. So I'm just rather not do it. So I won't pick it up two pretty good reasons. Scared and lazy. And those are the third one. They just don't think its important. The book of stories is written 2000 years ago. It's not that important.
David Norrie
It's a guide. It's it's good. It's lasted this long. Its got some really good concept's in there, but the world's evolving. The world's progressing. That's not important. Yeah. I was a little bit of all three was a little bit of all three. I was scared I was lazy. I didn't think it was that important. Thank God I met Angela week and she showed me that verse. Thank God. So then those are the three rings. Three reasons. I think people don't read it. Then I mentioned there are three ways to view the Bible.
David Norrie
So this is important to you and here's the first three reasons people don't read it. Scared. Lazy is not important, but there's gonna be three different ways to get that. People will view this book three different ways. People view the Bible. You can maybe they don't believe it or at all. Its just a book written by some people. Hey its got stuff to talks about people living in 600 years. It talks about giants. Talked about a guy who came back from the dead.
David Norrie
Talks about angels. A lot of weird stuff. I'm not going to believe that at all. I just don't believe it. Okay. Okay. The second reason why you, how you can be the Bible is ah, you look at it as an all a carte. This is my, this is, this is what's going on today for sure. 1000%. This is the most viewed perception of the Bible. All of the cart. Oo, I like that part. I like that part about salvation because you know, I'm going to die some day and I'd like to no, there's something more than us they're so I like that are going to believe in that for sure.
David Norrie
I love the part about being able to go to God when I'm sick or am in distress and pray and, and him helping me love it. Love it. If I'm sick and I have cancer, I love the part that says I can go to God and pray and he'll heal me. Love it don't want to all take that. Love the part that says, Hey, if my business is failing and I'm in financial ruin, then if I pray, God will bless my business. Love Bates. Keep that part. That is, that's like, Ooh, that's like the fried chicken and the roast beef and dessert.
David Norrie
Don't like the part about lust. That's the A. That is the that's the broccoli. Don't want it. Leave that on the table. I'm good. I'm good with that. That's not in my Bible. Salvation is in that's in my Bible. A the, the overwhelming help when I'm sick or when I'm in distress or when I'm in financial ruin loved that I can go to the man upstairs for that. That's in my Bible lust. Now this stuff about the stuff about being responsible and stuff about what we talked about language now, that's not in mind.
David Norrie
I like to all of the card it do you know, people like that today? Are you one of those people? Do you have an a LA carte Bible? That's a, that's a cheesy. That must be nice is the perfect Bible. The Bible that you make up out of what you like and what you don't because you know what? The world is evolving. The guy who created the world couldn't possibly know if he created the world of the heavens that I believe in a God that created the world's in the heavens and every living thing, he just couldn't possibly know that we need to evolve.
David Norrie
Didn't he wasn't aware of that can create the universe and everything else, but it just didn't know would be evolving. So that's why I have to have my own on the cart Bible. I love it because it lets me do all the things I like to do. And it doesn't, it doesn't forbid me from doing anything. Okay. That's a second one. And then the third one is you can look at it as upon the defense, the, the, the divine infallible word of God, which is what our personal trainer helped us do that day.
David Norrie
And then I started to dig into it a little more and I said, Hey, this is this stuff all fits together. Really, really good. I mean, not just really good, like perfectly like there are no mistakes. This is the divine word of God. This is infallible. This is a written by man. This was written by God through man. And so they're, we are there we are. Which ones are you? None of it true. Some of it, what you like is true.
David Norrie
Other parts aren't or is that the dif the divine word of God? So its important. It's important. When we talk about little things today, like, like let's go back to that thing about language. People love the F Bob today. And I said, nobody used it more than me. Nobody used it more than me. It was a part of my regular vocabulary.
David Norrie
I thought, who does it hurt? It was just the word, but we all use it. And you know, and, and being an entrepreneur where people would love to use it in their business today. I mean, we've gone from, we've gone from having business etiquettes. And now, now if you don't drop the F bomb, when your talking about your products or your business, man, your just not passionate enough about it. So we went from a business culture where you had to be a proper and, and say things that have etiquette. And now if your, an entrepreneur and your not dropping the F bomb, if you have a product or a service or you have a, a brand and your not dropping the F bomb, then you're just not passionate about it.
David Norrie
Well, Gary V drops the F bomb all the time and he's passionate. So you know what I'm going to do in my business. So people know that, I mean, business, I'm going to drop some math. Bob's in there then they'll no, I'm like Gary V Joe Rogan, Hey, that guy drops the F bomb all the time. Joe Rogan, people love Joe Rogan. He makes a lot of good points. I'm going to make a lot of good points and I'm going to accentuate those points with an F bomb are too, Hey, hold on a second.
David Norrie
Before your forwarding this to people and saying, Hey, this guy's a jerk. He doesn't like these guys. I think they're intelligent. There is no doubt in my mind, Gary V and Joe Rogan are super intelligent. I respect them and they have the ability to do what they want. When I get what I get a little bit frustrated with is when I go to conferences or I go to masterminds and 30 people get up and give their speech about their business. And its the first day we met each other and now all of those 30 people or 25 decide to drop an F bomb.
David Norrie
This is your business etiquette. You don't know me if I'm coming to you and I'm, and I'm up to a potential customer and you think you're going to show me how passionate you are about your business by dropping an F bomb. You don't know me. You know what it is for me. It's probably a non starter. Now am I a, am I an, an extreme case today? Probably most people were like, Oh, that's just the way things are. People who will use that language. Just being super passionate. I have nothing against him. That doesn't mean they're bad people.
David Norrie
They're so passionate about their business. They just, death bomb makes it more. The F bomb makes their passion that much bigger. No, it does it believe me. Hey, I know Umm OD. I felt the wrath of it at one time on a, on a Gary V post, all as I said was Gary V if you are so intelligent and you're so smart, don't you think you can get your point across without using it.
David Norrie
And my Lord, I mean, did his people just jump on me? I was the P word. I was a woosie. I was a F word, a derogatory word for a homosexual. I was weak. I was a whim. How could I say that? The minions that Gary V mania, I jumped all over me. I don't care, bro. And I'm not saying you're a bad person. If you do it, I'm just saying I'm a Christian entrepreneur. And I'm just saying, if I'm gonna walk in Christ and I'm going to talk about Christ, then I gotta try and walk the walk in the same thing.
David Norrie
We talked about the Strongholds pornography. Okay. Strongholds Strongholds and it's not just like the triple X port that you dial up. I've been there. I've been there. Okay. I'm talking about what we see is the door opening on Instagram, the accounts, the fitness accounts, which is not anybody doing squats. It's if somebody's, if somebody's clearly moving in a way of doing a thing that is his sexual in a way, in a way that it is tempting, two men under the guise of fitness.
David Norrie
And then you hit that little, that little A that little circle thing. Hourglass need to pull it up and theirs. The first thing you see is girls dancing in bikinis. So what I've tried to do is I tried to eliminate those accounts. I told these guys Today. I said, if something is in front of you, that verse, it says you are a bit better off the puck, your eyes out, what? We're not gonna physically pluck our I's out. Cause I would like to C but what I'll do is I would remove it from, from the temptation. I will not follow that account the same way, where if you're struggling with alcohol, don't go to the liquor store.
David Norrie
Don't have it in your house. Okay? If you're struggling with pornography, don't go to the strip club. If you're struggling with pornography, don't follow accounts where it's soft core pornography, just unfollow those people. Don't put it before your face. Don't allow yourself to be tempted. If you're struggling with gambling, don't go to the casino. I mean, easier said than done Yes but these are the Strongholds. But what we go back to is this infallible word of God.
David Norrie
The Bible lays it all out there and look, the people in the Bible were not perfect. God uses the broken. He uses the sinners. So I'm not coming to you today, talking to you about me being perfect. I struggle with Strongholds all the time, the big ones. Okay. But I had the book I call upon the Holy spirit. I say, God helped me with this. Please take this away from me. If I wake up in the middle of night because I can't sleep and I'm, and I'm got all these stocks about business, I use to just go and say, Oh, we'll take a big shot of vodka in the middle of the night to help me relax.
David Norrie
And I'd fall asleep. Now I wake up and I say, Holy spirit, I need help falling asleep. Allow my mind to rest, allow my body to rest so I can fall into a deep sleep. Holy spirit answers me. Dun dun pornography will try and justify a pornography. Well, geez. We are just so busy now with kids and in business. And I got this pent up sexual frustration. I deserve a little bit of, of relief.
David Norrie
And then I go to, I go to my God. I say, God, take this away from me. Take this temptation away from me. And the crazy thing is a crazy thing is when I've said that within hours or that day angelic will come to me. Not knowing shall come to me. Are you guys fill in the blanks? I don't have to spell it out. When we come to God, knowing that this is a stronghold in our life, this is something that's, that's making us weak drugs, alcohol gambling pornography, the big ones.
David Norrie
And you come and you lay it at the foot of Jesus and you say, I am not strong enough to overcome this on my own. I am human. These things are tempting me to take this temptation away from me. He'll answer you the Bible. Isn't an old book. Its an eternal book. It's timeless. Therefore it's timely. Okay. I got that from my Pastor. I'll say it again. The Bible, isn't an old book. Its an eternal book. It's timeless. Therefore it's timely. It is the best self development book that's ever been written.
David Norrie
So you can go out there for the gurus. You can tell it's the guys that aren't really doing. The things that the Bible says, where you can look at, you know, this podcast wasn't supposed to be, not just this podcast. I'm talking about. The turned on podcasts was supposed to be more of a secular podcast that dabbled in faith, dabbled in faith. Guess what does this sound like? It does this sound like a podcast that's dabbling in faith anymore? No.
David Norrie
Was that my decision was that Angeles decision or was that us saying, Hey God, you no take it where you want to take it will give it up to you. And he did. The funny thing is these days, and in this day in age we won it. We want to say we're involved. We were, were involved. And that's why we, what we see as a D as a disruption of the home and the family. And I told these guys today, they go. The one thing that you guys can do after this whole month of being with me, the one thing that I pray in prayer for you guys to do right now, more than anything as I pray for the Holy spirit to come in your house and allow you to have the hard, difficult conversations with your spouse.
David Norrie
Yes. We talked about your business. Yes. We talked about your health. Yes. We talked about politics in the world, everything that goes on and I could pray over all of those things right now, but I'm going to pray for one thing. And one thing only that I leave, you hear with an, I pray for you guys to be strong enough that I've made an impact on you. That you go home and sit your spouse down and you have a difficult, hard conversation with your spouse about sex, about finances, about your health, about whatever it is. The strongholds that are are tearing your family apart. Because if we win the marriage, if we win the family, then that comes from the marriage.
David Norrie
Then we win the community. Then we win in the city. Then wee, when the nations, then we win in the world. It's a waterfall effect. So I'm not going to tell you to go home and, and first concentrate on your business. I'm not going to tell you to go home. And first concentrate on your, on your health. I'm going to tell you to go home and have a conversation with your spouse. Make sure you're on the same page. If your not having sex, talk about it. If one have you lost your way and you're health. And then one of you is that your body get out of shape and is not only affecting your sex life, but it's affecting your potential to be alive.
David Norrie
And, and the way you can make money and the way you can be there for your children, talk about it. Everything starts in the marriage. Everything starts in the home. Everything starts with your family. We gotta have difficult conversations. And so when people say these are evolving and, and will send the here's the thing these days is if we're not doing it, if we're not doing it, Christian's people, the school or the state, they want two.
David Norrie
They want to, they want to do your job. They want to do your job. So they want, they want to say, Hey, there's a separation of church and state. There is a separation of church and state. We don't want any kind of mending of church and state that's in the constitution. We don't want it really. So then why are you trying to tell my kids in public school about masturbation in the second and third grade, were you trying to tell us about homosexuality at a young age? If you don't want to mend it, you want to keep a church and state separate.
David Norrie
Then why are you infringing upon my right as a parent and to the things that I'm supposed to be talking to my children about sex that at your job So which is it. Isn't that crazy? Isn't that crazy? How a church and state are separate church and state are separate. Shouldn't have anything to do with each other, but send your kids to public school. It will educate about sex four. You will educate all those things about homosexuality will educate them about masturbation, no dog.
David Norrie
That's my job, a public school system. That's my job government. I'll take care of that. And that's why we're homeschooling now. Hmm. So when I was talking to this kid about my kid Mann about this particular thing to do, and we were talking about the cursing and again, again, I had to tell you, mr. Nori, that's talking, you guys drop more F bombs than anybody.
David Norrie
Okay. I was an F bomb machine and I still do. If I stub my toe, I might drop one, but I try not to. And this particular gentleman today said, I was the same thing goes I'm from long Island, right? Long Island. It's what I do. That's how we talk. How do we get our points across? But it goes, but I went out and I read and I read the Bible and I realized that that's not what I'm supposed to do. And so I stopped. He goes, but I don't feel normal. Cause all my friends do it on my family do it. I don't feel normal. I said, exactly, exactly.
David Norrie
Do you want to be normal people today want to stand out? They want to be unique. They want to be seen. So how are we going to do that by dropping F bombs like everybody else? No. Today I think the way you are not normal is by lifting yourself up by following the word, by showing the restraint, not to use the F bomb by showing the restraint, not to look at the girl, that's walking by it. Lustful ways by eliminating the account's from Instagram and Facebook that are soft core porn.
David Norrie
That's how you're now. That's the, that's the way to identify yourself as, as I'm different, because I have the ability to not fall into the crowd and not do everything like everybody else is doing. I'm not going to be the next Gary V again, all respect, all respect, do whatever is necessary that you feel, but I'm not. I could, I could get up here and drop the F bomb after F bomb. And I've, I've been tempted to because it's almost like a punctuation Mark these days again. That's how you know, I mean business, I'm serious about personal training because I just dropped three F and that makes me serious about it.
David Norrie
I'm serious about this entrepreneurial venture because I just dropped F bombs that makes me, and they let you know that lets you know how serious I am about being an entrepreneur because I've punctuated that sentence. What the F word we want to be, what we want to be evolved. How, how the Bible talks about Babylon.
David Norrie
My pastor said most nations will become Babylon. It's a fact, not an old book. Its an eternal book. Its not timeless. It's timely, but God will confront evil. He will beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of he who brings good news. My friends, I want to bring good news. There's enough, bad news out there. I don't want to be. I don't want to be the guy who preaches and tells you you're going to hell.
David Norrie
That's not my job. I'm not going to be the guy who says I'm better than you because I don't use F bombs because I don't look at pornography. I'm better than you. Not that I am not that if you've gotten this far in this podcast, I am not that I am the guy who sang. I know what it's like. I have hormones. I have temptations without God, without the Bible, without the rulebook.
David Norrie
Who knows where I would be. It wouldn't be good. And it's not that I'm a bad person. It's that? That is the human temptation. We were born into sin. That means were normal. That's why we, that's why Christ came. We need to look for him. We need his strength now more than ever. There's a couple of things I said on this podcast today that I don't know if I feel comfortable sharing with you yet, but I'm sharing them with you. There's a reason an angelic said, do this one on your own because I felt passionate about it.
David Norrie
There's a reason I get fired up. Yeah. I got a little bit of coffee on me, but there's a reason I'm fired up about this. I have three daughters. I have three daughters. When I see those girls on Instagram, those young kids and like where are their dads? That's not good. Do do I do I feel a little bit guilty because I was a young man.
David Norrie
Well at one time and what I, I can't be a hypocrite. That's where every father's nightmare that has girls, my wife been said, it look at what you look at, what you're life and your twenties was like in your early thirties. Not that's why God gave me three girls. You're gonna learn this lesson the hard way brother. Funny. But it's not funny. True, but it's, it's tough. So I don't, I don't know where it starts. I don't know where I, why know where it starts. I know, I know how to get it better.
David Norrie
I know what I w I would like to see. I know what I know what's affecting me. And I always say, look throughout the book, read my book. I say over and over and over again. The one thing that I know for sure is we're more alike than we are different. And that goes for good and bad. I know that we're more like, than we are deferred. I know most people wanna enjoy a good Life and just be left alone and, and provide for their family's and have good times on vacations and prosperity. And they also know that we're all tempted by the same things, talked to some of your friend's out there and go, Hey, I just curious over the last couple of months with, COVID just curious in all honesty, just between me and you, have you been drinking more?
David Norrie
Watch what they say, Hey, I'm just curious, you know, with, with all this stuff going on in the news between race riots and between, you know, a political party's, have you been angry? I have you have you had an evil thoughts have, have you, have you felt really p****d off just between me and you. Let's be honest with each other. See what they say, the manipulation that's going on right now in our news cycle, the manipulation in TV, what were putting in front of our brains every day.
David Norrie
And our thoughts is amazing. This is from the same chapter in faith. My book am I right? Reality TV and a 24 hour news networks have taken over as our favorite source of both community entertainment. And dare I say, God, we've become so envelop by what is going on in other people's homes or on other peoples lives that were losing sight of what's happening right here in our own homes. We've become so obedient to pop culture that we've lost sight of our faith culture.
David Norrie
And it's not something that's just affecting our youths. It's something that's affecting everybody because I had to rip the TV off of my wall and take it out and throw it in the garage. It's a stronghold. It's bringing stuff into my home that I don't want brought into it. It's the same thing as ripping my TV off the wall was the same thing about as, as getting rid of Instagram accounts that soft corn pornography is the same thing of saying, Hey, don't go to the liquor store and buy that tequila.
David Norrie
If you don't want to drink this week, got to ask for God's grace. And then we have to act as human beings. Some of you, some of the people that are out there that are my good friend, you know, we have grown up together in the fitness community and we have such great discipline. We can put whatever we want into our mouth. We can, we can restrain ourselves from meeting the suites. We can do 45 minutes of CrossFit.
David Norrie
We can do a thousand set ups. We can be so disciplined in our physical lives, but when it comes to our spiritual lives, we are a mess because we don't talk about it. It happens in the peripheral. It happens in the closet. What has happened is the dark spaces. Don't talk about drinking. Don't talk about drugs. Don't talk about pornography. Don't talk about sex within the marriage because those are taboo subjects, but they can talk about that at public schools about sex.
David Norrie
Maybe we just need to have conversations. Maybe we need to stop feeling so weird. Like what's going on in our own life. Isn't going on in an area in their home. And maybe we need to start having conversations. And the conversation start first and foremost and I'll end it. Hear the conversation. Start with your conversation with God, come into my life. Help me out here. I'm struggling. I'm on my knees. I need you. I need you. I need you. I can't do it alone.
David Norrie
Like Martin Luther said, you will only find it when you hit your knee's in desperation. Sometimes that's why people always, that's why you see these rock stars. That's why you see these movie stars that have given their life to Christ because they hit rock bottom. Sometimes you got to hit rock bottom to find him. He's always there. So had that conversation with God. Secondly, if you're married, I don't give you been married one week or 50 years, go to your spouses week, have a tough conversation of the things that are going on in your life. Even if you think you have a great relationship, tell him something that you're kinda scared to tell it.
David Norrie
Like my friend, Jeff came on our podcast and said, I, for 12 years, I was married to my wife. And one day I just let it all out. I let out all these, these things that were bothering me, all these things that were on my spirit, all of those things that I thought I thought she was gonna, you know, run away from me far after 12 years. And I, I dumped at all on her and she looked at me and says, okay, I'm still here. I'm still here. I haven't gone anywhere. Have a conversation with your spouse, your best friend.
David Norrie
Let them know what you're struggling were so scared as human being. So let people know that we have the same struggles as other people. And so we find out that guess what? We're all struggling with some of the same stuff. And then that's lifted off of us. Like, thank God I'm not alone. I thought it was the only one that was angry. I thought it was the only one who was tempted. I thought it was the only one who was struggling. No, we all are. And we all need God. Isaiah, five 27. How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news.
David Norrie
And today I bring me some good news. You're not alone. Get out there and have a conversation with God. Have a conversation with your spouse. Get out there and live the word. Gentlemen, gentlemen, don't think like a child put the ways of childhood behind you. This has been a turned on podcast.
David Norrie
Thank you for your time.