Call to help us help online: tell the untold stories of the children of the Thai Child Development Foundation
TCDF :Thai Child Development Foundation, in Thailand
Supporting underserved children with healthcare & special need education. TCDF Circular economy group & team venue.
It is a strange and challenging time for everybody and we are so grateful for the ongoing support of our volunteers, ambassadors and sponsors over all these years. And even though we were affected by the pandemic- just like you and everybody else in the world- thankfully we were still able to support many children in need this last year.
Allow me to explain a bit about the foundation's situation: we have successfully been supporting children in need in rural Thailand in a sustainable way for more than 15 years. We used to run a visitor center ( restaurant, coffee shop, school camp site, family volunteering farm) so we had regular visitors from all over the world who contributed and also would return home and help word to mouth again and introduce us to new sponsors and changemakers!
We closed our visitor center- as one of the first-? in April 2020 in order to keep our school open for special needs students of whom many have low immune systems. Now we are entering year three of -not only no income-, but most importantly no more new sponsors for the constantly growing healthcare and education and social work programs for children in need! Nobody really knows about our foundation.
We seem to have been a bit too sustainable the last 15 years and obviously a bit too well hidden in the jungle ! (working throughout rural Thailand but the visitor center is close to RaNong in the south). In the meanwhile the urgent need for our medical care, emergency food? and scholarship programs are skyrocketing and there are so many children in need that count on us. We are a foundation with many years experience, completely run by a passionate team of local women and Thai volunteers in the village schools and healthcare centers throughout Thailand. But honestly we lack marketing skills, we have no office in the city, no marketing plan nor budget ....
Times have changed, the need has never been higher for children from underserved communities and we need to focus on quickly spreading the word and making sure that people in Thailand know about us and know they can reach out if they want to make a difference and support children in need in Thailand! Our team is ready to facilitate all of this, big or small, every donation helps and reaches children through customized social programs.
We have so many kids that are in need and just need a fair chance for change! We only need some more support, to grow our network and eventually hopefully connect with new sponsors and volunteers!
So this is me asking for help spreading the word. For new network connections. Can you help our children, follow us online, introduce us to people who might be interested to support TCDF, maybe initiate an interview, magazine articles? Or honestly any other ideas to make sure that more people know about us. To hear our children's stories?
Thank you so much for your support! Hope to hear from you soon.
And hope to meet you in better times and welcome you to our Food Forest Farm & retreat. We are well hidden jet easy to reach close to beautiful Ranong in the south of Thailand.
Founder & director Thai Child Development Foundation (TCDF)