The Call of God to Serve
George Flattery
Founder at Network211 Chancellor at Global University Author, Educator, Missionary
More Thoughts about the Call of God.?The term “call of God” can refer broadly to salvation in all its aspects or in a narrower sense to the call of God to serve.?Used in the narrower sense, “the call of God” frequently has the connotation of an individual being called to a task.
One who is called of God to a prophetic role will likely be quite individualistic.?However, individuals can be called to function in relationship to groups as well.?When called to do something with or in a group, ways to work together must become a part of the outworking of the call.?Also, groups can be called of God to given tasks.???
The term called of God is widely used by believers in connection with service.?With regard to our service, we consider it important to be called.?Every year there is an Assemblies of God World Missions commissioning service for newly appointed or reappointed missionaries.?
At the appropriate time, the Executive Director, issues this declaration:?“Assemblies of God World Missions, duly constituted by the General Council for the commissioning of missionary personnel, has, within the limits of our ability, determined that these people are called of God and qualified for assignment as world missions envoys.”?The church, including Pentecostals, has long stressed the importance of the call of God.?That emphasis includes, though it is not limited to, a special call to vocational ministry.?Very often the call is to full-time ministry, but people who are not full time are called as well.?
It is important for us to consider what God is calling us to do.?The specific tasks in our calling may vary with the passage of time and the different circumstances that we meet, but we can remain obedient at all times.