Call and forget, no over instruct
Call and forget, is a term used most of the time in communication programming. In another mean, broadcast info and does not really have clear target audience. Only those that have an interest will automatically subscribe to the instruction.
In Asian context, top down delegation is most likely happen. It does not mean for enslaving someone, however, psychologically delegates will follow what ever leader trying to instruct. While studying Asians history, majority of the history is kingship or emperor in control. Modern history in Asia is very short relatively. Hence such behavior. In some country like Korea or Japan, seniors can have absolute said on some subjects. Over instruct is most likely will happen.
Over instruct will limit the innovation. Let the employee be able to decide what they want to do with latest technologies. They may be able to create something that you never imagine exist in this world.
Yes, it is very uncertain and you may lost track to the employee and do not feel secure on what they are doing. You must do your homework as a manager. It started with an idea and very matured idea base on all your or your business partners' experience. Broadcast it at the right time and the right timing. Make sure fair competition is communicated. You must control yourself to let the new guys do their job. Review the proposal. Knowing the real result and outcome that company desires. Controlling the timeline and do not let the team know that you are nervous against the timeline. There are whole lot to be done as a manager. Not exactly doing nothing, isn't it.
In global city, there will be many talented people trying to claim their best offer. Sometime they may just know some key words and shallow experience on some subjects. May not be a best candidate for certain job. By over instructing, most of the key words will be exposed. Hence talents that is not genuine will have position to research over the internet via Google and YouTube. Come back to you with half done solution and hope for more key words. psychologically managers will be impressed and giving more time and budget, however further buying time and project drag on.