Call for entries for 1st edition of Annual Global AMR Media Awards 2024: Make a difference in the fight against antimicrobial resistance (AMR)

Call for entries for 1st edition of Annual Global AMR Media Awards 2024: Make a difference in the fight against antimicrobial resistance (AMR)

Global AMR Media Alliance (GAMA) is a network of media from across sectors, coming together to raise media awareness on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and its visibility in the context of global health security and UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

About the awards

“Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is invisible. I am not,” is the driving spirit behind a recent powerful campaign of the World Health Organization (WHO) that urges “sharing real-life stories to encourage global action against AMR.”

AMR is ranked among the top-10 global health threats. It is not a ‘silent pandemic’ as, despite being preventable, it contributes to almost 5 million untimely deaths a year. Even one AMR death is a death too many. AMR fractures families, communities and societies.

Media has the power to make invisible AMR, visible. It can help people understand and prevent AMR, shape public opinions, and mobilise policy makers to effectively respond to AMR.

You could be one of them!

Global AMR Media Awards seek to acknowledge and honour journalists and other media actors who have put the spotlight on AMR and made outstanding contributions in raising awareness on AMR and promoting responsible journalism through their science- and evidence-based investigative reports, people-centred and rights-based news reports, feature stories, opinion pieces, blog posts, photo stories, or other forms of impactful communications.

Global AMR Media Awards are hosted by Global AMR Media Alliance (GAMA) which has over 150 media members from 30 countries worldwide.

Eligibility Criteria: Who can participate?

The awards are open to all journalists and other media actors (print, online, radio, television, podcast, blog, social media influencer, among others) from any country worldwide.

This includes all members of Global AMR Media Alliance (GAMA) (except those individual and organisational members who are directly associated with the Award management or judging process).

Submissions published or broadcasted during 15th May 2024 to 15th October 2024 are eligible. These can include articles, news reports, features, blog posts, photo stories, TV or radio broadcasts, documentaries, podcasts, or online social media content.

If the content is in a language other than English, it should be accompanied by an English translation along with the original article/ broadcast.

More than one entry can be submitted by an applicant. Each entry will be judged separately.


3 awards in each of the 6 WHO regions (South-East Asia, African, Eastern Mediterranean, Pan American, Western Pacific, European regions)

Important dates

Submitted entries should have been published or broadcasted between 15th May 2024 and 15th October 2024.

Last date of submission is: 15th October 2024 (5pm Geneva time).

Awards will be announced in an online ceremony, which will be an official part of the 4th edition of Annual Global Media Forum in lead up to World AMR Awareness Week in mid-November 2024.

Submission Guidelines

·?????? Fill out the official entry form (click here).

·?????? Entrants should show proof of publication of their submissions by including press cuttings, recorded radio or video programme, or links to official websites (or confirmation from their editors). Please add all links or URLs or news clippings (or editor’s letter confirming the publication or broadcast) in a Word or PDF file and upload.

?·?????? Audio and video submissions should be in a format widely and readily accessible format such as .mp3, .mp4 and .mov, among others.

?Entries will be open effective 15th May 2024 and shall close on 15th October 2024 (5pm Geneva time).


Selection Process

Entries will be judged by an independent panel of judges with demonstrated leadership in the field of AMR, health and science journalism, or global health. The panel of judges will be made public on the website of Global AMR Media Alliance (GAMA) before end of July 2024. The decision of the panel of judges will be final.

What will the Judges be looking for?

Entries will be judged on the basis of:

?·?????? Analytical reporting, Use of facts in reporting

·?????? Exhibiting independence, impartiality, coherence, simplicity, clarity

·?????? Ethically sound article or media content

·?????? Connecting the dots between different sectors (such as environment, human and animal health, agriculture, for instance) and other criteria as agreed upon by the judging panel. Prizes and Recognition in the Award Ceremony

·?????? Winners will be announced in an online ceremony during the 4th Edition of the Annual Global Media Forum in lead up to WAAW 2024 (mid-November 2024).

·?????? All winners will be felicitated with an Award Certificate, presented online in the 4th Edition of the Annual Global Media Forum in lead up to WAAW 2024.

·?????? Winning entries will also be featured on the website and social media platforms of GAMA as well as CNS.


In addition, GAMA secretariat will make efforts to request and encourage:

All organisational partners of Global AMR Media Alliance (GAMA) to feature the winners of Global AMR Media Awards 2024 on their website and social media platforms.

Organisations working dedicatedly to address AMR such as quadripartite joint secretariat on AMR, WHO AMR ACA, among others, to help shine a spotlight on all winners through profiling their work on their website and/or social media platforms.

Every media participant/ contestant will be acknowledged with a Certificate of Participation which will be sent via email in November-December 2024.

Be welcome to apply!

We encourage journalists passionate about AMR to submit their entries and help drive awareness and action on this critical issue.

We look forward to receiving your entries and celebrating the exceptional contributions of journalists and other media actors in combatting AMR.

Should you have any queries or require further assistance, please contact Shobha on the email:


Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC) is a proud Global AMR Media Alliance (GAMA) member.

BNNRC’s approach?to?media development?and building the capacity of CSOs on digital transformation is both knowledge-driven and context-sensitive. It considers the challenges and opportunities created by Bangladesh's rapidly changing media environment and CSOs in Bangladesh's digital transformation era in line with Advancing Media Development & Access to Digital Technology for Equitable Digital Inclusion and Human-Centric Digital Transformation in Bangladesh.

BNNRC is in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), accredited with the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), SDGs Media Compact of the United Nations, and UN WSIS prize winner 2016, Champion 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021 & 2023 for media development and digital transformation.

BNNRC has been engaging with the AMR issue with the media, titled?Building Constructive Journalism to Fight Against AMR in Bangladesh?at the national and rural levels, since 2022.



AHM Bazlur Rahman, Specialist in Advancing Digital Democracy的更多文章

