Call to Direct Action! ARE YOU READY TO BE A HERO?

Call to Direct Action! ARE YOU READY TO BE A HERO?


Virtual Reality and the utilization of Artificial Intelligence is no longer just the makings of a good Science Fiction story, it is now Science FACT. CRUSADES 22 has created and continues to develop programs and initiatives that help and supporting our Nation's HEROES, enhancing their RESILIENCE and COHERENCE - that assists them in connecting to their newest missions and purpose as they transition back to their civilian lives.


PLEASE HELP support our Active-Duty Military Personnel, Veterans, First Responders and Law Enforcement professionals in their personal journeys to AWAKEN to The FORGING of their next purpose and mission.

We are needing to raise a minimum of $20,000.00 to create the live-action scene components for the Proof of Concept for The FORGING.  This visionary, forward-thinking Virtual Reality experience will act as the next evolutionary step in the process of furthering brain-science-based treatment and rehabilitative measures utilizing Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, the exponential potential of pairing Machine Learning with Optimal Human Performance initiatives; these complementary dynamics creating a learning environment that, coupled with accompanying evidence-based rehabilitative treatment, serves to distract the brain and body’s corresponding nervous systems from trauma, chaos, pain, crisis, and negative memories (collectively known as Post Traumatic Stress Injury – PTSI). The FORGING experience will assist in disassociating the emotionality connected to any number of traumatic experiences and triggers.

Through extremely generous donations and gifts presented to us by some of our most valued partner companies and organizations, we are scheduled to go into principal production, shooting these live-action Virtual Reality components by the end of May, early June 2018 - having a full Proof of Concept completed for demo by early July, 2018. I would like to extend our heart-felt appreciation and deepest gratitude to: Dr. Albert "Skip" Rizzo and his team at USC's Institute for Creative Technology;

Tan Le, Kim Old, Olivier Oullier at the entire Emotiv team; Dr. David Trainor and his entire crew at Sentireal; Scott Gemmell, Alex Pearce and their teams at JAUNT VR, Jules Mann and INVIDIA, Matt DeJohn, Ian Forester and his team at VR Playhouse, Peggy Chung and Robert Simons at Gadget-Bot Productions; Anna Wo?niewicz and her team at NOCTVRNAL, our amazing Microsoft evangelists: Amanda Lange, Timo Way, Martin Haase, Russell Cromley, and Rocky Beckman . . . and the list could go on. To all of you, and those that I have failed to mention, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for your generous support of this effort! We could not do it without each-and-every one of you and your collected teams and resources.

CALL TO DIRECT ACTION to our LinkedIn community:

JOIN OUR TRIBE! Please visit the CRUSADES 22 Donation page linked below, and please give generously to help off set the remaining production costs as we shoot the live-action components of The FORGING Proof of Concept.


Joining CRUSADES 22 on our mission to provide the tools necessary for our HEROES to cultivate a life of purpose, joy, abundance, compassion and HOPE.

YOU will be contributing to THE ULTIMATE, mission-driven, science/evidence-based rehabilitative experience ever created. The FORGING will distract the brain and body’s corresponding nervous systems from trauma, chaos, pain, crisis, and negative memories (collectively known as Post Traumatic Stress Injury – PTSI), shifting these to forgiveness of self, freedom, happiness, and fulfillment and purpose. The FORGING offers a well-constructed, science and heart-based Post Traumatic Growth Opportunity – PTGO.

Each-and-every day, our Nation’s HEROES have stood for you, in country and abroad; fighting for your freedoms and the way of life that you enjoy and appreciate.  

NOW! STAND FOR THEM AND BECOME A VITAL MEMBER of THE TEAM; be part of the collective catalyst that will solve the groing mental health epidemic in the active-duty military, veteran, first responder and law enforcement communities. To strengthen OUR HERO COMMUNITY, The FORGING experience will revolve around a safe and supervised AGI (Artificial General Intelligence); this sentient dynamic being analytical back-end through which these therapeutic ‘gaming’ initiatives and experiences will be driven; enhancing the effectiveness of The FORGING and accompanying programs by brain/machine interfaced systems whose sole mission directive is to support and show compassionate and ongoing care to all of our active-duty military personnel, veterans, first responders and their families - as well as our developing and creating programs that applicable to and adapted for other fields of use in the civilian sector(s).

IMAGINE. A time when HEROES remain HEROES; during times of combat and tactical engagement and during their transitions back to the Home-Front.

IMAGINE. Bringing Active-Duty Military Personnel, Veterans, First Responders and Law Enforcement professionals HOME to their true purpose and newest MISSION:  to live a life of RESILEINCE, COHERENCE, FREEDOM, HONOR and HOPE.

To learn more about The FORGING and other CRUSADES 22 programming, please contact me directly. I would be happy to speak with you.

Thank you in advance for your careful consideration.

Most sincerely and respectfully,

Brian Hillard, Nicola Salter, Daniel Conley, Dr. Albert "Skip" Rizzo, Thomas Yang, Dr. David Trainor, Olivier Oullier, and the entire CRUSADES 22 Board of Directors and TRIBE!

#UNITY #HONOR #SERVICE #TRIBE #mission #coherence #resilience #neuralreprogramming #imersiontherapy #VRET #neuroplasticity #bravemind #usc #ict #neuropsychology #vrmedicine #ptsINJURY #iamnotadisorder #injuriesheal #neverbroken #InotD #ptsgrowthop #createthemovement #thematrixisreal #SEALEthos #EOD #SWCC #SOF #SOCOM #biggerstrongerfasterhealthier #thehumannessofbeingsuperhuman #realsuperheroes #thankyouforyourservice #JOINTHEMOVEMENT #USCICT #emotiv #sentireal #NVIDIA #JAUNTVR #NOCTVRNAL #Microsoft #MicrosoftMR #Microsoftm12 #gadgetbotproductions #zeroeyes #playtonepictures #therealreadyplayerone #callingmrhanks #callingmrspielberg #bandofbrothers #veterancare #thetruepurposeofcinematicstorytelling #compellingstory #makeadifference #lifespurpose


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