Call to construction industry stakeholders to serve on the cidb NSF.
Construction Industry Development Board SA
Construction is pivotal to economic & social development. It is the physical infrastructure for SA's economic activity.
The Construction Industry Development Board’s (#cidb) National Stakeholder Forum (#NSF) affords individuals with knowledge and experience in the #construction industry an opportunity, and a platform to advise the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure (#DPWI) on issues affecting the performance of the construction industry, in addition, appropriate measures to address them. Members serve on the forum for two consecutive years and meet with the Minister at least once a year.
People with construction knowledge and experience, as well as representatives of #infrastructure client departments, industry bodies including labour movements, #contractor associations, client bodies and built environment professional bodies, are invited to submit nominations of people to serve on NSF 2023 – 2025. The key focus of the new forum is the role of #procurement in supporting #sustainability in the construction sector. Members of the new NSF will serve a two-year period from 2023 to 2025.
To apply, stakeholders must send well-motivated nominations accompanied by a nomination form, nominee’s CV and copy of ID via email to Ms Ntswaki Mokonyane: [email protected]. ?The closing date for nominations is on Saturday, 15 April 2023. Enquiries may be directed to Ms Mokonyane at 012 482 7242. Visit to download the nomination form.
The NSF is established in terms of Section 13 of the Construction Industry Development Board Act 38 of 2000. The Act is the founding legislation which establishes the cidb as a Schedule 3a public entity, under the executive authority of DPWI.