Call in Action! Please help raise awareness of and for those who have mental health, depression and other difficulties
How often do you sit at home and wish someone would call you and suggest, well anything rather than these 4 walls?
How many of you have had an evening out planned, or arranged coffee with friends and suddenly "these 4 walls" seem the only safe haven because it's the only place you don't have to pretend you are ok, so you cancel. Or when you are invited out, you tell them how terribly sorry you are but you're already booked up that weekend, when you are actually just very bus...y holding it together in your "Safe Box".
And so the first problem starts, all by itself, people stop asking you and the isolation that at first wasn't true becomes your only truth.
Please don't give up on your friends, call them, go over to their place, even when they don't want you too because they really do want you to come by, they just don't know how to say it.
Everyone says: "If you need anything, don't hesitate, I'll be there for you ".
Call in Action! Please help raise awareness of and for those who have mental health, depression and other difficulties.
Abbeyfield Houses Society of Durham is a small non profit senior home. Mental Health for Lonely Elders is an important issue for our work.
Copying this and posting supporting Mental Health Awareness