A Call To Action For Pest Management Operators.
Andrew Sanefski, PCQI
President at Perimetek Pest Management (named a "best places to work"), Podcast Co-host, Board of Directors NYPMA
At times, someone with near total ignorance of a topic can achieve some of the greatest insight. I had just such an experience recently while conducting some preliminary core training with
our newest apprentice.
The conversation went something Like this...
Me: "New York is one of the most restrictive states in the country when it comes to pesticide regulations."
Apprentice: "Why is that?"
Me: "Despite the out sized impact we have on public health, the pest management industry is small in number.”
Apprentice: "If we're so important then shouldn't we tell someone?"
Of course we should tell the public, and I believe that we do try. I'm sure that nearly every pest management operator takes pride in their work and includes some aspect of public education about our industry with every customer interaction.
Unfortunately however, we face a well organized, opposition with overwhelming public opinion inertia. To make matters worse, that public opinion holds to misconceptions that largely originate from their founding 50 years ago. A narrative this entrenched into the collective psyche of the voting public is difficult to uproot.
In fact, we may just consider not even wasting the effort. Attempting to change long held beliefs, even demonstrably errant ones, may prove to be fruitless. Instead, I believe that we need to collectively share a new narrative of where the industry is today.
During my own 25 years in the industry I have seen the development of a compelling story of the good we do. The care we take for the public and the environment. The quality Jobs we provide. But to gain any traction with the greater public, we need to tell our story in a unified voice. It is no accident that the quarterly newsletter of the NYPMA is called “The Voice"
It is through active membership with the state and national associations that we can generate an impact we could never achieve alone. Here are just a few of the activities we can all do today to make a difference:
It is only through collective action, that we can expect to make an impact on public opinion and the Legislation effecting us. The simple act of reaching out, expanding your network and getting to know people is the most effective way to dispel myths about our industry and replace them with the true narrative of the good we do every day. The simple act of “knowing someone in the business” is a far more effective way of changing opinion than arguing the facts and science with them. Most won't understand or care about your LD50 anyway.
I believe our industry is populated by some of the most underestimated yet valuable people and it is time for those people to be seen and heard.